IT’S DONE! Behold, my magnum opus.
Pisces buddies!!
I forgot to put these up as well… It’s the pottery Amy and I made for Snookums for his birthday. First is the espresso cup and saucer I made for him, and then the front and back of the goblet Amy painted. Yes, that is supposed to be a portrait of me and him. No, I don’t think that the breast size is very accurate.
I recently cleared out my digital camera’s memory card and here were some of the gems I found:
My sister with the little birthday cake Rodd got for her at Tesco. Yes, that’s a tea light on top. We didn’t have any other birthday candles. And please disregard the large bottle of Gordon’s Gin on the table beside her. I, uh, swear we don’t drink a lot. Or something.
Do not stare directly at the German’s legs! Blindness may ensue. This is my friend Christian, who Snookums and I call Sid (for various geeky reasons). He apparently lost some bet and as punishment had to wear this kilt all the way across London to pick up a girl. As compensation for embarrassing him, here’s a link to his extremely helpful PHP website.
Here’s my hair following the first of the “Intense Red” dye jobs. I get it done about every six weeks, although I really should get it done more often these days (my hair grows fast). Reds are also very tricky to maintain, as they tend to fade quickly and the color can wash out. I finally wised up and got some expensive yet effective color preserving shampoos. It was so funny when I went home in June, because half my family didn’t even recognize me.
There’s my sister again. This was from our ill-fated trip to the UK Blogger meet-up. See, I told you we were there!
So we dodged another dreaded computer virus. Nice. I’m afraid I have to object, though, to the picture Yahoo! includes with their ‘Code Red’ article. Why a shot of little Chinese kids using a computer? If you didn’t read the accompanying caption, you’d probably think these were the miscreants responsible for the worm. Very manipulative, that.
Ack! It’s 9:15 am and I’m still sitting here unshowered. The ADSL is up, though, and I couldn’t resist the opportunity to do my first supa-fast blog posting. We think BT might finally be fixing the damn thing, seeing as how we’re finally getting about 60% uptime as opposed to the 5% we got the last few weeks. Of course, it dies every time I get near it so we’ll see if this post goes through or not…
Ohhhhh, so when I say it’s hot everybody thinks I’m complaining, but when the Queen Mother goes down with heat exhaustion suddenly it’s a national emergency? I bet she has fans up the wazoo. Me, I’m sleeping with the windows open and offering my body up willingly to the flying ants.
Did I mention the yoga? Okay, so last Friday it’s “Customer Appreciation Day” at my gym so I drag my sister along for a yoga class, which neither of us have never done before. Here’s a minute-by-minute recap of my actual thoughts during the experience:
I’m pretty sure that this is the point when I blacked out.
I dunno… maybe I just dislike all organized exercise classes. Sorry, B. I gave it a shot.
My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.
No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.
Pisces buddies!!
TIL we share the birthday month/week. Happy Birthday!
Thank you!!
Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!
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