Jerry Springer in ‘The Rocky Horror Picture Show’??? The apocalypse is upon us.
Pisces buddies!!
“Vampire slayer Buffy enters Australian politics.” That is awesome. I hope we manage to get there before the election next month (doubtful)… I wanna see this chick! (Link courtesy of Sparky.)
Update: Snookums informs me that anybody that would likely be swayed by her “Buffy” affiliation would probably vote for her anyway, because “she’s a honey.” Uh-huh.
Hey, looks like there’s another remotely-hosted weblog commenting system on the market. It’s called BlogBack and it seems a little more customizable than Reblogger. You might wanna give it a try. Or maybe you wanna just wait until I finally release my homegrown blogging system to the world. Now there’s something I could do to occupy my time…
If you experienced any temporal weirdness this afternoon, sorry about that. I seem to have created a rift in the space-time continuum. I had just finished watching Buffy (yeah, another hard day for the unemployed bum) and I switched over to BBC1 to see what the latest war news was. Instead I found myself staring at the insipid faces of Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, all tween-ified up and starring in their very own ‘Saved by the Bell’ knockoff. Horrified, I flailed wildly at the remote and managed to change it to ITV… where I was confronted with Mary-Kate and Ashley age seven! What are the freakin’ odds that they’d be on two channels at the same time? Two British channels at that? I guess the BBC has woken up to the fact that those of us at home during the day aren’t exactly a lucrative demographic and they needn’t go to the expense of putting on anything more entertaining than… *shudder*… the Olsen twins.
Everybody’s doin’ the Which Friend Are You? quiz, right? Well, let me just tell you how psychotically WRONG it was. It said I was RACHEL. Seriously. I was expecting Ross, since I’m kind of a nerd, but definitely one of the Gellers at any rate. Why Rachel? I’m not high-maintenance! I’m not self-centered! I’m not superficial! Or… am I? Jeez, now I’m starting to think that raving about something like this is such a Rachel thing to do. OH GOD! Maybe Snookums is Ross, and I AM Rachel! AHHHHHHHHHH!
Are you a U.K. computer nerd? If you are, dig out your September issue of LINUXformat magazine and turn to page 15. Who is that handsome man pictured at LinuxExpo2001? Why yes, it’s my very own Snookums! There he is skipping work and kissing up to the SuSE man. He’s becoming quite the celebrity, isn’t he?
Oh God. It’s 9:30 Monday morning on my first full weekday of being unemployed… and I’m already bored out of my mind. At least MBTV‘s got new Buffy and Dawson’s Creek recaps.
A few more quick links about the football player story:
So overall I’m really happy with the way my school handled this. They dragged their feet a bit, but eventually common sense prevailed.
My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.
No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.
Pisces buddies!!
TIL we share the birthday month/week. Happy Birthday!
Thank you!!
Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!
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