• What the hell? Salon’s running an article about “The Phantom Edit”. Like, six months after the fact. Way to be on the ball there. Or maybe I’m mistaken. Perhaps the story was posted in June for Premium subscribers, and it’s just taken this long for it to trickle down to the great unwashed unpaying masses.

  • Just as I was about to lament the lack of anything interesting to blog today, Snookums came through with a real gem: The Australian National Public Toilet Map. Remember my tirade against public pee-ers? We’ve argued it extensively and, much to my chagrin, the Snook is on the opposite side of the fence. He says that city planners are the ones to blame for not providing enough clean, well-maintained public toilets for people to use. I still counter with the fact that women have learned to “hold it”, but he says they shouldn’t have to. Anyway, I think he sent me that link to appease me on the issue a bit. As he himself put it, “now we can plan our trips and never have to resort to public urination!”

  • Hey, the Weblog Review visited my site and gave it a glowing review! Awww, it’s nice to get some positive feedback. 🙂

  • Curt Schilling guarantees Game Seven victory. You know, I’m rooting for the Diamondbacks and all… but that’s the kind of statement that can really come back to bite you in the ass.

  • Phantom Menace

    John pointed me towards an extensive theory of what Palpatine/Sidious was really up to in Star Wars Episode 1. Hmmm. You know, this does make a lot of sense. If only I could believe that this is how Lucas had planned it. I’ve watched all the supplemental stuff on the DVD and I got no hints of anything this complex. I’ll just secretly believe this is the real story in my head, I guess.

  • New Poll: Have you ever met any celebrities? Did you make a complete ass of yourself, as I do each and every time?

  • Harry Potter premiere!

    Harry Potter PremiereThat’s right folks, I braved the cold and the crowds to bring you a few photos from the Harry Potter film premiere in Leicester Square tonight. Nobody would go with me, so I went by myself. Some pigheaded police kept us from getting close, but I still managed to see lots of stars. From the movie I saw Ron, Hagrid, Vernon Dursley, and Albus Dumbledore. I also saw the Duchess of York (Fergie), Cher, Cliff Richard, Steps, and Richard Branson, among others. Oh! And Miriam Margolyes stood right next to me! (She had tickets but the cops weren’t letting her through.) Nobody else seemed to recognize her, but I was practically bursting. She was about to leave and I couldn’t decide whether to give up what spot I had to go say hello, so in the end I just smiled at her like a maniac and she was polite enough to grin back. Go me! Anyway, most of my “celebrity” pictures turned out exactly the same (i.e. you can’t identify anybody), so I’ve left those out. The ones left should give you a sense of the atmosphere though. I can’t wait to see the movie!

  • Well, it’s Bonfire Night over here in Britain. This is the third one I’ve experienced, and I still can’t get over the novelty of setting off fireworks in November. Where I come from, fireworks are meant to be experienced on a warm summer night, lying on a blanket with your siblings trying to catch “lightnin’ bugs” and oohing at the patriotic local show. Instead here everyone tramps out to a hill in the middle of the freezing cold night to commemorate a murderous traitor. Very odd, the British.

    There are still (loud) fireworks going off on our block. I don’t think Britain has the same laws against, you know, BIG fireworks that we do in the U.S. These suckers sound huge. It’s gonna be a while before I sleep.

  • What I Learned From When Dingoes Attack: Dingoes attack when they’re hungry. Yep, that’s it.


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!