• In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve added some new links to my list down on the left. In the process I suddenly decided I needed to alphabetize them. I know, I know, I said before that I couldn’t, but I changed my mind. I don’t want anybody to think that I’m ranking them by priority or anything, so this seems like the only fair way to do it. The new links are:

    • esoterica non grata – I found Marcus’s page through a comment he left on my site. See, I told you that works!
    • FOAF – He’s a Kiwi and I like his site. ‘Nuff said.
    • Kitty Noir – Great name, great design, and check out that About page. Who wouldn’t want to read the weblog of a “recovering Goth”?
    • Lucretia’s reflections – Another one I found through the comments that has gradually worked itself onto my list of daily reads.
    • WackyBrit – I think the name says it all. I really like this guy’s design too.

    If you’ve got some time to spare, check ’em out. 🙂

  • Yay, Indiana! People crap on my state, but I’m proud to be a Hoosier.

  • Some mouth-breather asks Cecil: “my question is, the song lady marmalade, what are they saying? is it in another language, or what???” His answer does not disappoint.

    (I’ll admit, I always thought the “Gitcha gitcha” part was saying “Gitcha, gitcha ya-ya’s out, gitcha gitcha ya-ya’s here”. Ya-ya’s being slang for breasts and jollies, respectively. But the Iroquois explanation is much funnier.)

  • Wow. Britain’s gonna make all the major museums and galleries free of charge from December of this year. A lot of them already are, but some of the cool ones (The Victoria & Albert, the Natural History Museum, etc.) still charge admission. But not anymore!

  • RoaldDahlFans

    I just made a new downloadable wallpaper for my Roald Dahl site. It’s tilable and it features the famous “dancing lady silhouette” from the intro sequence of “Tales of the Unexpected”. It’s probably a bit risqué to use at work, but hopefully people will like it.

  • The rain coming down outside my office windows right now is scary. I haven’t seen rain like this in a long time. And there was the first crash of thunder. Guess I won’t be going out to lunch today.

  • “Hmmm, I don’t feel like going to work today. I know what I’ll do! I’ll plant a fake bomb so the place gets shut down! Yeah, that’ll do it.”

  • I found this BBC article on women’s body perceptions really depressing (and depressingly familiar)… until I got to the last bit. A doctor said, “Women think their bodies are infinitely malleable. Most women can’t change their shape and it’s unusual to be that thin.” That perked me right up. Why aren’t we hearing this more? This is the type of reality check women need. Of course we’re depressed when Slim-Fast and Subway are showing us pictures of people who’ve completely changed shape. Sure, they include small type saying that the results aren’t normal, but they wouldn’t be showing it to you if the message wasn’t “You can do this too!” Women need to hear that sometimes you can’t. You can be healthy, but you can’t make yourself into something you’re not.

    I wouldn’t want to look like Jennifer Aniston anyway. She’s too bony. Her arms look like my grandma’s.

  • I don’t mean to be crude, but how many people are going to click on this picture purely to see if they can spot any actual child porn? I admit it, I did. It’s like looking at a car accident. You can’t resist. I guess that’s why Yahoo blurred it.

  • I am happy to report that UK Papa John’s pizza tastes exactly like the US version. Exactly. The breadsticks are spot-on too. The only slight problem with the entire experience was that the delivery guy brought us chicken wings instead of breadsticks, so he had to go back and switch them. But other than that, if I had closed my eyes I might’ve been sitting in my PW dorm room on the Thursday night waiting for “Friends” to start. Ahhh…


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!