• A chastised Roger Ebert apologises to Barbara Bush for “fueling the denim ruckus”. Whatever. I still think it was hilarious.

  • New Poll: Inspired by my rant today (scroll down), I want to know if you consider yourself as an optimist or pessimist with regards to the rest of humanity. I mean, I think I generally trust people to behave decently, but time and time again I get let down (that jerk at my Dahl site, Bill Clinton, eBay sellers, etc.). Am I just being terribly naïve? Should I adopt a cynical tone of mistrust and then I’ll never be disappointed? What works for you?

  • Controversy

    That Kevin Smith vs. GLAAD thing that Kim reported yesterday seems to have been picked up by the mainstream press. I definitely agree that GLAAD are being jerks here, and that there are better ways of educating people about homophobia. This kind of thing is what gives political correctness a bad name. I’m just glad that the story presented both sides, at least.

  • Elizabeth Taylor finds new love… with JEFF GOLDBLUM? That’s just too weird. Thus endeth my long-standing crush on him.

  • Great. And the IRA set off a car bomb in west London last night. Lovely. I wonder if they’ll try to get Hammersmith Bridge again too? It’s practically in my friggin’ backyard. Wonderful.


    It’s been a horrible week. Lots of people have left the company, including my friend Ferret and my housemate Nick. I can’t begin to explain how weird and sad this all is. Good people are leaving; the people that – to me – define where I work. The future seems uncertain. And our company Summer Party is today! I don’t feel very celebratory.

    On top of all that, I was up til 2 a.m. listening to the stereo downstairs boom out the best of 80’s Crap Rock, as Nick reveled in his newfound freedom. Whatever – I’ll cut him some slack; he’s had a bad week. I reserve the right to bitch out the other people that were present though.

    AND, WORST OF ALL, I just went to check on my newly redesigned and relaunched Roald Dahl site, when I noticed in my Admin site that someone qualified to get their name on the Trivia Master Board. “Sweet!” I thought. I’ve got to personally approve all the names, though, so I went to check who it was. It was “f**k_me”. (No asterisks; I just put those in for my mom’s benefit.) What kind of a jerk would do that? Why do I bother building nice free things for the people of the Internet when all they try to do is abuse them? Luckily I’ve got the bastard’s IP address, and if he tries it again, I’ll boot him for good. Suddenly I feel a little bit better.

    (Sorry for the journal-like rant, but every now and then I feel the need to get angry in a public way. I’ll get back to weblogging, I promise.)

  • Killer peanut butter. *sob* What the heck am I supposed to eat now?

  • Pottery

    I forgot to put these up as well… It’s the pottery Amy and I made for Snookums for his birthday. First is the espresso cup and saucer I made for him, and then the front and back of the goblet Amy painted. Yes, that is supposed to be a portrait of me and him. No, I don’t think that the breast size is very accurate.

    Espresso Cup and Saucer   Goblet Front   Goblet Back


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!