I don’t get it. US news outlets say “Taliban.” UK news outlets say “Taleban.” What’s that all about?
Pisces buddies!!
Hurray! I found a Mac OSX version of Bejeweled. A bit clunky, but at least I can play offline at home.
Random. A guy I graduated high school with just e-mailed me up out of the blue to say hi. He’d been browsing and found my site after searching on our school. Hi, Jer!
So anyway, I went to Google to try to reproduce his search to see if anybody else is on-line. In the middle of my results I came across this link, which is a list of all the high schools in Indiana and their nicknames. There are some weird names on there. Like, the nickname for the Indiana School for the Deaf is “Deaf Hoosiers”. WHAT? How about the New Harmony “Rappites”. What the hell is a rappite? And hello? The Indianapolis Northwest “Space Pioneers”? I’m also glad that I was never a River City “Ingot”. (Isn’t that a lump of metal?) And what about the Shoals “Jug Rox”? That’s not even a real word! Compared to those, Lakeland “Lakers” is a lot less embarrassing than I thought.
Yeah, I thought I’d do some blogging yesterday, but I really and truly spent 10 hours straight doing hardcore HTML work. You can see it if you go to the Micky Dee’s site and click on the “Kidzone”. All of that was done yesterday. What a sucky weekend.
Weirdness. We were supposed to have our monthly meeting/drinks session tonight and rumors were flying about more layoffs, buyouts, etc. We were also dreading more of the horrendous Chardonnay they tried to pawn off on us last time. But oddly enough, when we got to the board room there were just cases and cases of Beck’s. And no meeting. Just drinks. On one hand it was really, really cool… but on the other hand, it was a little Twilight Zone.
And in further work-related news, after sitting on my ass for two weeks straight I’ve been suddenly asked to come in tomorrow for emergency work on McDonald’s. Yeah, I’m the friggin’ cavalry, and I’m riding to the rescue. So I’ll be here all day. Expect more blogging.
Congratulations to my brother Anthony, who was accepted into the Kappa Sigma fraternity at Purdue. He assures me that they’re not beer-swilling assholes. 🙂
This morning I received one of those “Tell your friends lots of secret things about you” e-mails from Jann. As I’m still unallocated at work and bored out of my mind, I decided to answer via my weblog. It’s similar to other memes I’ve seen, but some of the questions are different. Feel free to play along if you want.
That made me hungry. Time for lunch!
How many banned books have you read? I counted twenty-three for me. Most of those were children’s books, but still…
Are You Smarter Than Miss America? I’m not. I’m only as smart as Miss America. I got 6 out of 8 correct. D’oh! (Take the quiz and then go to the comments page so we can compare what we missed.)
My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.
No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.
Pisces buddies!!
TIL we share the birthday month/week. Happy Birthday!
Thank you!!
Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!
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