Poor Napster. First they bend over and take it from Metallica, and now they’re ditching the mp3 format? Stick a fork in ’em; they’re done.
Pisces buddies!!
Poor Napster. First they bend over and take it from Metallica, and now they’re ditching the mp3 format? Stick a fork in ’em; they’re done.
At long last! Someone has discovered why the shower curtain sucks in. Snookums and I have argued that one before. He was a fan of the hot-air-rising theory, while I stuck to the Bernoulli principle. The real answer is even cooler: a mini-hurricane forms in your shower! (NYT link requires free registration.)
I was happy to note that Google was not named in the complaint filed by Nader’s consumer group about search engine payola.
Oh. My. God. You will not believe what a petty little troll Eve is! At least she’s gone. This is yet another episode that I missed (for reasons that shall become clear in a moment), but here are the highlights from the episode summary:
I wish the rest of the country would wake up to how brilliant this show is. Of course, judging by how many episodes I’ve missed myself, ITV’s scheduling leaves much to be desired…
Amy and I haven’t killed each other yet. In fact, we haven’t even had a real fight yet. (It’s more remarkable when you consider that it only took us three days to get into a bitchfest the last time she visited.) She’s been here two weeks and she seems to have settled in well. She’s got a secretarial job working at the Psychiatric Department of Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. (Nerdy Sims joke: When Snookums heard about her job, he asked, “How many family friends do we need before she gets to be a Test Subject?”) She’s in the process of moving her blog to a new host, so she hasn’t been updating it lately. It’s good that she’s here, because it forces me to stop taking my time in London for granted. Last weekend she dragged me off to Portobello Road where I fulfilled one of my lifetime shopping ambitions and purchased a pair of white ladies rollerskates (the old-fashioned kind). Now all I need are some pink wheels and shoelaces and I’m set.
Whoa! I know I’m breaking my own rule about not linking to them, but this Bransonshows.com site is really pissing me off. When I went to verify that no bloggers had taken the “link” bait, I refreshed my browser window and was astonished to see that the entire list of “Our Friends” changed. It’s completely dynamic. I don’t remember that being in the proposal. So I was supposed to put a static link on my site in return for maybe getting seen on theirs? Ugh. It’s a bit childish, but I had some fun filling out their stupid little survey with negative answers. Oh, and check out one of their “Friends”: The Ultimate Deception. I wonder if that webmaster even realizes who he’s sending out his spam to.
I just received another “let’s trade links” e-mail. Unlike the obnoxious “Branson Spam” (which, by the way, looks like it was entirely unsuccessful, seeing as how there aren’t any bloggers listed on their site), this one seemed to be a genuine request. I wrote back and explained that while I don’t “trade” links, I do publicize sites that I visit. I mean, I don’t like the idea that blogging is all about advertising yourself and getting a lot of traffic. Those links on the left are sites that I visit every day for their content. Some of them are written by people that I’ve come to consider as friends. I’d rather have a good discussion going with Brigita and Bill and John than have lots of anonymous visitors. That said, I know how hard those first few months of blogging are, when your IP address is the only one showing up in the logs. It seems like everybody else has their own little groups and cliques and it’s hard to find a place for yourself. Here are my tips for publicizing your site (without being annoying) and getting to know some of the people behind the blogs:
Above all, the key is not to actively *appear* to be doing anything to promote your site. If you have something to say, people will find it. If you’re just trying to drum up meaningless traffic numbers, people will resent you. (Yes, Bransonshows.com, I’m looking at you.) Do my fellow bloggers have any other tips for newbies?
I once knew a guy named Dave Park that named his baby son “Fenway.” True story. Check out the Institute for Naming Children Humanely. (Link courtesy of Danelope.)
Depressing. According to this, I am “histrionic, avoidant, narcissistic, and obsessive-compulsive.” What a wonderful way to start the week.
Getting married on the Titanic has to be the tackiest, most morbid thing I’ve ever heard.
My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.
No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.
Pisces buddies!!
TIL we share the birthday month/week. Happy Birthday!
Thank you!!
Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!
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