Check this out: a weblog devoted to cataloguing spelling errors in other weblogs. I’m a spelling Nazi myself (and former County Spelling Bee champion), but I don’t like this concept. Weblogs are personal pages. You don’t criticize somebody’s personal page, period. I’ve been on weblogs where I hate the design or the functionality or whatever, but I’ve kept my mouth shut because that’s what polite people do. If a blogger’s style of writing bothers you, don’t read their stuff. Simple as that. There’s no need to get pedantic about it. (Link courtesy of John, who agrees with me.)
Gael linked to fascinating article about selling your eggs. You know, I think I’d consider doing that. Not only for the money (although $5000 is a hefty chunk of change), but for the satisfaction of helping out some couple with no other option. What do I care? I’ve got lots of eggs and I don’t foresee using more than a couple, if that. I dunno. What do other people think? I don’t have any concerns (moral or otherwise) beyond the risks associated with the removal process. Is that weird?
I am LOVING the song “Romeo” by Basement Jaxx. I saw the video last night at the gym and I thought it was brilliant. Is Rooty a good album? Is this song representative? Should I buy it? (I’m really just asking Max, since he’s the only person I know that’s knowledgeable about “dance” music.)
U.K. Survivor News: And just like that, it got interesting again! Last week Ular turned on my beautiful, emaciated, conflicted Pete and kicked him off the island. The Harlotte’s days were numbered. Then, amazingly, Richard approached her for an alliance! Together with Jackie (who I still loathe), they managed to vote off Zoe, the devious Lesbyterian actress. I have to say, Rich’s got a good idea here. He knew that his former tribemates wouldn’t waste a second getting rid of him as soon as the remains of Helang were gone, because he’s the only one with a serious chance of winning challenges and staying in the game. So he’s managed to turn the odds in his favor, while also making nice with Charlotte, who could be counted on to sway Andy, James, and Pete in the Jury. I think his plan is just to get into the final three, win the challenges, and pick the suckiest, lamest person left to go forward with him. Everybody will realize that he played the game way better than anybody else, thus they will award him the million quid. (Has this guy studied his Richard Hatch or what?) I gotta say, at this point I *am* sorta cheering for the evil genius. He’s made it interesting again.
New Poll!
In honor of my several recent video game related posts, I’m asking which genre of game is your favorite. And once again, I’ve made all the “explanations” apply to me. I can’t help it; I think it’s funny. Anyhoo, I personally found it very difficult to vote since I play just about all of those types fairly often. When I compared approximate total hours of life wasted, though, the answer was pretty clear. “Puzzle” it was. (When I was breaking up with my psycho boyfriend in high school, I would literally spend HOURS hiding from him in the computer lab and playing Minesweeper.)Aside: When I just told Snookums about this poll, he responded, “Does ‘downloading source code and recompiling it just for fun’ count as a game genre?” *grin* No.
Oh, and bonus points to the first person to correctly identify the film reference buried in the options…
Wow. What’s left after your life is complete? I mean, congratulations and all, but you’re setting yourself up for one hell of a downhill ride, Goran.
*retinas burning*
This is the ugliest website I’ve seen in a long time. Remember Uncle Jakob’s advice, kids. Flash = EVIL. Happy Surf…
Good Lord. More on that broomstick business: “The broomstick is not only for flying. It’s also an important fertility symbol. To be blunt, it is a combination of the male and female naughty bits. As a fertility symbol it has to be treated with respect, and flying it the wrong way is like a sacrilege. Quite simply, you can’t fly a broom the wrong way. It just would not fly.”
This guy has just ruined the film for me. Instead of being thrilled by the exciting Quidditch scenes, I’m going to be thinking about, uh, fertility symbols.
Pisces buddies!!