• It was a bad weekend for British sport. In fact, some would say it was the worse weekend ever. Not only did Tim Henman finally get bounced from Wimbledon, but the Brits got beaten by the Aussies at rugby, the Ashes (annual cricket series), the Lacrosse World Cup, the Speedway World Cup and the women’s cricket. Ouch. (Snookums, of course, thinks it was the best weekend ever.)

  • Atari rules. There’s a mint 2600 in the box at the Retro Gaming Shop downtown. Come on, stock options!

  • Big Brother

    John found a great article in the Guardian about the original UK Big Brother contestants and how they’ve been dealing with fame. They all sound like total wankers, except for Mel (who I always thought was nice) and Anna (who I saw on a BBC program the other day).

  • Snookums loaded up Boudicca (my iMac) with Quake 3 Arena on Saturday in preparation for our long-awaited frag-fest. Unfortunately I pretty much suck, so I don’t think it’s going to be much of a contest. Maybe if I had this guy as my character though…

  • I used to visit the Lycos 50 pretty often just to keep my “finger on the pulse” of the Net. Now Google have developed their own version: Google Zeitgeist. It shows you search trends, popular searches, and comparisons of queries. Very interesting.

  • I’ve ranted about Victoria Hervey before, right? Well, she’s at it again. (Pissing me off, that is.) Apparently her trendy little Belgravia boutique was about to go under when it was rescued by a mystery backer. The resulting publicity means “Lady V” will be polluting the British media with her obnoxiousness for some time to come. Her shop – get this – “never orders more than two of any type of outfit, to minimise the chances of customers – who include Kate Moss, Jemma Kidd and Lili Dent-Brocklehurst – finding their clothes duplicated.” I’m glad that she’s, you know, providing such a service to mankind and all. *eye roll*

  • “More than 23,000 people at Rosenblatt Stadium gyrated, sang along and spelled out the title of the Village People’s hit song ‘Y.M.C.A.’ for more than five minutes on Wednesday, apparently setting a new [world’s] record.”
    That’s bull. I mean, they played “Y.M.C.A.” at Wrigley Field when we were there in early June and everybody stood up and danced. There had to be more than 23,000 people there. This is a stupid record.

  • We survived the heat wave… only to be battered by thunderstorms. UK weather is NUTS.

  • I finally saw Shrek last night. I thought it was really good, but not quite as great as Toy Story 2. I dunno… I think it was the animation. I’m not saying that all animation has to be “realistic”, but I just didn’t particularly like this style. Everything seemed a little too smooth. The characters didn’t seem to have any weight to them. There’s a reason that Toy Story and A Bug’s Life didn’t feature very many humans – they destroy the suspension of disbelief.

  • Buffy Spoilers! There are some pretty big revelations in there, so read at your own risk. Of course, AICN‘s predictions usually run about 50-50, so take everything with a huge grain of salt. (Personally, I think the bit about Willow is ridiculous. No way they’d do that. Of course, they have completely changed her character before. Remember how she started out as the shy, Xander-lovin’ nerdy computer girl, only to turn into a hot, confident lesbian witch?)


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!