I love Roger Ebert. It’s true. I visit his site every Friday to read the new movie reviews, even though it’ll be six months before any of them come out in London. I love his “Answer Man” section where he answers movie questions readers send in. And his “Great Movies” essays remind me why I wanted to be a film major in the first place. I can’t really explain why I like the guy; I guess it’s because I tend to agree with him a lot. It just seems like we’d be friends, you know? Anyway, I’ve often caught myself wishing that I knew what “Eeb” (that’s what I call him in my mind; yes, I’m a freak) thinks about music or politics or television or sports, etc. Every now and then he posts a special essay on his website that does just that. The latest one is all about the Presidential election and why, in his mind, George Bush is an idiot. Did I mention that I love Roger Ebert? 🙂
Pisces buddies!!
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