• Jamie Oliver

    John, I can’t thank you enough for “10 Reasons Why Jamie Oliver Is So My Bitch”. My three (male) housemates are going to be hearing this stuff for a while now. (I know before I said he was starting to annoy me, but that’s before I realized the brilliance of Reason #8: “Men hate him. It is fun to fancy someone the opposite sex hate.” Ha!)

  • Did I mention I joined a health club? I know, that sounds so ridiculous and posh coming from me, but I’m tired of sitting on my ass (literally) all day long and not feeling well. I’m hoping a little yoga and spinning and stair-climbing will shake me out of my stupor. Why don’t I just run in the park, you ask? Easy, because I loathe running with an all-consuming passion. The only time I could ever bring myself to do it was in tennis practice in high school, when our coach basically forced us to. Of course, that was the fittest I’ve ever been in my life. Could there be a connection? Nahhhh.

  • *Kris jumps on yet another meme bandwagon*
    So everybody’s lookin’ up their Oz Prison Bitch Name, right? Go on, try it out. Mine’s the worst. I don’t even wanna reprint it here, for fear my mom’ll see it and freak. Okay, okay… I’ll censor it a bit: “Keller’s F**k Boy”. I ask you, what the heck does that mean? Who is Keller, and why does he refer to me (obviously a girl) as a boy?

  • You might notice that I’ve created a new section of the site: php help. This is where I’m going to keep all the instructions and source files for the various web doohickeys I use here. So far there are just two (the comment system and the poll system), but hopefully I’ll add more soon.

  • Well, so far it looks like the riots aren’t nearly as bad as last year. The police managed to just outnumber the protesters and most of them are penned in at Oxford Circus, I guess. (Holy cow! Check out the picture the BBC’s got!) Of course, as soon as everything gets back to normal tomorrow, the Tube workers are striking again. This week will probably set a record in terms of absentee workers in London…

  • Hmmm… The cookie for my preferences setting has been acting wonky. Has anybody else had any problems? I changed the way it works, so hopefully your settings will stay even if you open new windows.

  • “Dingo eats baby!” Well, actually it was two dingos. And it wasn’t a baby, it was a nine-year-old. But still…

  • Happy Riot Day! Well, actually it’s May Day, but I guess for a lot of people the two are equivalent. Violence has already erupted in Australia and Europe, and England will be no exception. This year the police say they’re ready, but for lots of morning commuters, the problems have already started. The BBC has a photo gallery that should fill up as the day progresses. The thing that amuses me most about all this is the “May Day Monopoly” plan that the media keep mentioning. The protestors are supposed to be targeting streets and locations on the British Monopoly board, which basically means that everybody (including the police) knows exactly where they’re going to strike. If they know where the violence is going to be, why can’t they stop it?

  • It’s sad how out of touch with American culture I’m becoming. When I first saw the phrase “disrespecting the Bing”, I thought it had something to do with Chandler from “Friends.”

  • Gael linked to a fascinating Antiques Roadshow article about Atari games. The last time I played an Atari was New Year’s Eve 1997. I was at my aunt’s house and all the grown-ups were having a jolly time. I wasn’t feeling well though, so I holed up in her guest bedroom and discovered my uncle’s Atari. He seriously had about 30 games, ranging from “Combat” and “Pac-Man” to more obscure titles like “Stampede” and “Kaboom!”. Needless to say, I spent all night in there. Fast-forward about two summers, when my dad calls me to let me know that my aunt is selling the Atari in her annual garage sale. “WHAT?” I scream. I haul ass to her place, only to find that she’s just sold it to some random guy… for ten dollars. She didn’t even realize that it was worth more! I’m still bitter about the whole thing.


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!