• Ironminds asks: Is George W. Bush updating the White House Web site himself? This just gets funnier and funnier. Update: Kel pointed out that the real White House site is whitehouse.gov. Apparently Ironminds and I got duped. Sorrrrrry, George.

  • Hey Brigita! Looks like the American eToys is going under as well. You best head over there ASAP… They’ve got a “75% Off Everything Sale” goin’ on!

  • Pokénames

    I have been unable to resist the fun of joining in with Brigita and Max to find out my pokéname. Apparently I am “Pikarider” and I live in the icy glaciers of Nunavut. My diet consists mostly of meatballs, fruits and kerosene. I have a fear of tahini and kippers. (They got that right.) I also have gossamer wings (Awww, pretty!) and the ability to resist sledgehammers. In combat situations, I can swim in lava and shoot fire. Sounds like I pretty much kick ass.

  • Ooh, geeky Star Wars fun. It’s an Ask the Emperor Magic 8-Ball type thing. I asked him whether I should take my lunch hour now, and he said, “I find your lack of faith disturbing.” I’m still trying to interpret that one.

  • Plastic.com

    I didn’t like Plastic.com when it first came out, but it’s grown on me. In fact, I think I’m a full-fledged karma whore now. I’ve posted, like, 8 times in the last hour. I think it has to do with the fact that I’ve been lurking on Slashdot forever and longing to participate, but I was worried that I didn’t have the technical knowledge to add anything to the discussions. But pop culture? That’s totally my bag, baby!

  • Wow! Some engineering students just pulled off the prank of a lifetime: suspending a VW beetle from the Golden Gate Bridge.

  • Hey! I saw these guys on Scrapheap Challenge! They made a steam-powered car. Actually the best American team ever (on the original version) were “The Long Brothers,” who won the World Final last December. They had to crush a car, and while the British team engineered a professional-type pneumatic crusher, these American farmboys simply made a “big-ass sledge hammer” and bashed the hell out of it. I was proud.

  • Signature just seen on Usenet: “If Laura Bush really wanted a gown that reflected the spirit of this inauguration, she should have shoplifted it.”

  • Tube Strike!When Public Transport Goes Awry
    I had completely forgotten about today’s Tube strike until I got to the office and noticed that over half the desks were empty. Thank God I live within walking distance of work. The little sandwich man who comes ’round told me that it took him over an hour to drive in from the other side of Hammersmith, which is seriously less than half a mile away.

  • Simpsons Valentine

    Dammit. I’m desperately trying to find a Valentines card that says “I Choo-Choo-Choose You” on it (like on “The Simpsons”). I’ve looked everywhere! E-mail me if you have any ideas.


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!