• Lake Effect links to a hilarious and spot-on parody of both “Peanuts” and the Smashing Pumpkins… “Smashing Peanuts”. I really liked some of the Pumpkins’ music, but I never really got into them. I think it had something to do with Billy Corgan’s incredibly scary birthmark that covered, like, 90% of his body. And my 11th grade boyfriend’s snotty assertion that D’arcy was a shit bass player and Corgan wrote everything. (I know now that he was right, but he was only saying it because she was a girl, not because he knew any better.) And how much do I love that Snoopy uses a Mac?

  • Huh. Apparently you can now customize your own shoes at Nike’s website. Someone took them at their word and requested the word “sweatshop” emblazoned on their shoe to “remember the toil and labor of the children that made my shoes.” Nike didn’t see the humor. Now they’re having a hard time trying to defend their decision.

  • Jakob asks: “Are Users Stupid?” I think I’m going to send it ’round on the Developers mailing list here at work. The WAP kids cried foul when Jakob said WAP was crap, and here he is refuting all of their arguments again. Nothing like a usability expert to fan the flames of a techies vs. designers war. Heehee… (I suppose such humor looks like the height of nerdiness to people outside my industry – and it probably is – but it’s a Monday for God’s sake.)

  • Are you a Kevin Smith fan? News Askew‘s got pictures from the set of Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Looks like it’s going to be hilarious… At least now we know what the deal was with that damn orangutan.

  • AICN has a great interview with Steven Kloves, the writer from Wonder Boys and Harry Potter and the Sorceror’s Stone. Not a lot of new details, but apparently he’s already at work on the adaptation of the next book (“Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”). Just the way he talked about his love for the material and his respect for Joanna Rowling… It reassured me that the movie is going to be as true to the source as possible. I can’t wait!

  • Yay! Lizzie has taken it upon herself to leave blog comments. In celebration I hereby proclaim that this weblog is now All About Me and Lizzie. Everyone else should consider themself excluded until they can be bothered to contribute. So there! 🙂

  • EuroDisney

    Did I mention that this weblog is now All About Me? Good. Here, look at my pictures from EuroDisney. Perhaps you’ll be more inclined to leave comments about them than my witty and incisive Notre Dame commentary.

  • The site I’ve been working on for the past six months has finally launched. It’s at gift-track.com. Feel free to visit and then shower me with accolades.

  • DAMN IT! Why isn’t anybody responding to the posts anymore! The little “discuss” links are back. Didn’t you notice? Where are the Sex Camels? Where is the love?

    Fine, if nobody wants to participate, I’ll just make the site even more All About Me. Are you happy now??

  • I just came across an interesting article at Feed about London and the descreasing evidence of its Victorian past. Pretty interesting if you’ve ever been here. No one would ever recognize Waterloo as a Victorian era station anymore… The tube stop is clean, silver, and futuristic, and the interior looks like nothing so much as an airport. I admired it when the new look was unveiled, but I’m starting to see the sadness inherent in “cleaning” up history’s traces.


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!