• Homophobia

    Once again, the Irish beat Boston College. Unfortunately this isn’t football; it’s a ranking of U.S. universities that are least-friendly to homosexuals. Yep, we’re #1 folks. B.C. is #2. Ouch.

  • Napster

    Interesting… This article doesn’t mention Notre Dame directly, but friends on campus tell me that their Napster access seems to have been finally cut off. The RIAA sucks.

  • #2

    Check out The Lycos 50 – Notre Dame is the second-most popular college football team (in terms of search engine queries). Who’s #1? Penn State. Too bad we have a better record than them. 🙂

  • Dennis Miller

    Encyclopedias can be funny! I know not everybody likes football, but this Britannica.com article explaining Dennis Miller’s references really cracked me up. (Link courtesy of Fresh Hell.)

  • Back to School

    I miss that “Back to School” part of the year. The funny (and pathetic) part of this list from the Onion is that I remember fervently begging for (and then subsequently coveting) a shiny new Trapper Keeper every year of elementary school. And within three months I’d have drawn all over it and picked holes in the plastic.

  • Comics

    I don’t know about you guys, but I’m lovin’ the new Observer comics. They’re not quite up to “4 Food Groups” yet, but they’re not bad either. (Sidenote: Am I to understand from the first one that those annoying scooters have made their way to campus? Ugh. I saw a hilarious sign in London recently that read “Warning: riding mini-scooters makes you look like a twat. Especially when you’re wearing ridiculous 3/4 length trousers.” Gotta love the Brits.)

  • The Nebraska Game

    Okay, can we achieve a consensus on whether the Nebraska game is going to be bigger than the Michigan game? Judging by this article, it looks like Nebraska all the way. Oh well… at least I got to experience VICTORY in the Michigan game. *sniff*

  • Welcome

    This is my first post to the brand new Weasel Weblog! This is where I hope to catalogue items of interest to Weasel alumnae everywhere. Oh, and Kel’s gonna help too. *grin*


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!