Yeah, so I missed the damn lunar eclipse. It was cloudy here, but I’m told you could still see it pretty well. Unfortunately I was sick as a dog and hurried home without even looking at the sky, thinking only of ibuprofen, a hot bath, and curling up in the fetal position. How very like me, to miss a semi-global event of mass significance because of personal issues (i.e. New Year’s Eve 1999).
Omens and portents
I used to be all worried about the new Bridget Jones movie, because I really liked the book and I really hated Renee Zellweger. But based on the possible movie poster, I’d have to say things are looking good. She’s even wearing my boots! And that business about Harper’s Bazaar kicking her off the cover for being too fat both pleases and annoys me. It pleases me because apparently little Renee is embracing Bridget’s weight-loss battle, and it annoys me because a stupid magazine can’t see fit to put a woman “10 pounds overweight” on the cover. A lot of people wrote off Bridget Jones as vacuous, but the truth is I’d rather associate myself with that kind of feminism than what passes for it in popular culture. (Dear Lord, did I just DEFEND Renee Zellweger? What’s next, an ode to Jewel??)
Fametracker analyzes the balance of starpower in the Kate Hudson – Chris Robinson union. Best line: “When your husband owns more hair brushes and fine washables than you do, you know there’s going to be trouble.”
I have no willpower when it comes to Star Wars. None. I just spent 15 minutes reading the most complete spoiler plot synopsis, including mock-ups of what crucial scenes might look like. I’m terrible, Muriel.
I knew Steve wouldn’t let me down. Mac OSX in March, and these babies right now. Ooh, I likes.
The UK will be able to see a lunar eclipse tonight. Or rather, we would, except that the bloody weather sucks and I consider myself lucky to catch a glimpse of the moon on a regular night. Oh well, I’ll probably try anyway. And my friend Kel’s gonna see if she can get some pictures with her new digital camera, so maybe I’ll post one if I can.
What the…? When did Fritz Holtznagel’s name get taken off The Lycos 50? And who is this Aaron Schatz? I’ve been away from my search engine gossip for too long.
I really, really want a one-handed keyboard. Preferably mounted on the arm of a big ergonomic work chair, with a joystick/trackball on the other. It would have two big benefits: A) I could work with as little actual movement as humanly possible (yes, I’m a big lazyass), and B) I could pretend to be on Star Trek.
Dream Log: Between snooze alarms this morning, I had a crazy dream where I sorta became Ralphie from “A Christmas Story.” (It’s not as random as you think; the copy my mom sent me is sitting out in our living room.) It’s not like I was an 8-year-old boy; I was me but I was in the Ralphie role. You know what I’m sayin’. So it was Christmas morning and I got to play Santa for the family. My brother Anthony was in the Randy role, and he was squealing with excitement and Mom kept telling me to find a present for him. (My sister wasn’t in the dream, perhaps as punishment for leaving me yesterday?) And so I was digging through this massive pile of presents, but I just couldn’t find any for him. Or for me, for that matter. There were lots that weren’t labeled, and there were also lots from random aunts and uncles but never addressed to us. And my Dad just kept sighing and rolling his eyes, and Antny kept squealing, and Mom kept telling me to hurry… and I woke up.
Pisces buddies!!