• oh what a night… it looks like the ‘backer has it’s own website! just in case you wanted to research their menu and/or buy some authentic ‘backer gear. in spired by their [in]famous sign—”linebacker inn; steaks and cocktails”—i always wanted to walk in there and ask for a prime rib, a martini, and a room.

    as i was never much of a ‘backer backer, i was saddened to see that Club 23 doesn’t have a website of their own. my search on google only turned up some “tour” dates on local bands’ sites and some blurb on NDToday.com, “What I Wish I Knew When I Was a Freshmen:” [sic]

    No matter how bad it looks on the outside, Club 23’s juke box makes it one of the coolest bars in South Bend.

    my question is, how would knowing that as a first year student help you in any way? how many freshmen can actually get into club? my other gripe is that everyone knows that the coolest thing about club is the slushies and how the unique “atmosphere” makes you appreciate california’s strict smoking laws five years after graduation. smelling like an ashtray has never been known to help alleviate hangovers… (Posted by Brigita.)

  • I just heard my (English) project manager on the other side of the room say something about “George Bush Junior.” When he walked over a few seconds later, I asked him what he had said about our new President. He said contemptuously, “Ah, I wouldn’t piss on ‘im if he was burning.” Seriously! It cracked me up.

  • Dreams

    So, I was just in the pub for lunch and I heard a remake of Fleetwood Mac’s “Dreams.” Who the heck recorded that? I wondered. Turns out it was The Corrs, back in 1998. I tried in vain to find a copy online, but I had to resort to my fallback. (Thanks, Aim.)

  • Former Amazon employee Mike Daisy’s film and one-man play make the on-line bookseller sound a lot like Microsoft, at least the version depicted in Douglas Coupland’s brilliant “Microserfs.” Sounds like they’ve got their own little “Cult of Jeff” goin’ on. And that part about the prehistoric cave bear is just too delicious. Suddenly I’m very hungry for two-dimensional foods.

    (Whoa, Coupland’s official site is a nightmare. How about, you know, some plain ol’ HTML, Doug? Maybe a site map? Wouldn’t hurt.)

  • “Smelly T. Rex on display in London.” Sweet! Well, not sweet. Pretty damn gross supposedly. Ooh, I can’t wait to see it. Our Natural History Museum really is one of the coolest museums I’ve ever been in (and it’s one of the prettiest buildings in London).

  • These things disgust me! When is America going to get good gun laws? Screw the NRA. Screw Charlton Heston. We need to keep weapons of destruction out of the hands of everybody. And where the hell do people get AK-47s??

  • Jen Grubb, nemesis of Weasels everywhere, has apparently been drafted into the WUSA (Women’s United Soccer Assocation). This brings the number of former ND players in the league up to 10.

  • Oh cute! Apparently Meaghan Leahy, a senior on our women’s basketball team, finally got to play on the same court as her younger sister Maureen, a freshman at Boston College. I got a kick out of reading how their parents tried to appease both groups of fans during the game.

  • Oh wow. Max tipped me off that Disney’s Beauty and the Beast is going to be an IMAX film. How cool is that? I saw Fantasia 2000 when it played in London at the Trocadero, and I’d LOVE to see B&B play there too. (Although I’ll probably have to go by myself again and fight my way through the hordes of screaming ankle biters.)

  • Ironminds asks: Is George W. Bush updating the White House Web site himself? This just gets funnier and funnier. Update: Kel pointed out that the real White House site is whitehouse.gov. Apparently Ironminds and I got duped. Sorrrrrry, George.


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!