It looks like Arnaz Battle is officially out for the rest of the season. I wonder how that’s gonna work next year. I mean, what if this LoVecchio kid gets really really good? That would suck for the both of them if it comes down to a choice for starter.
Also, water is wet.
Performance-enhancing drugs call into doubt integrity of the Olympics, according to report from commision chaired by Father Malloy. Wow. What hard hitting research. Not.
ND had a 60% return on their endowment investment this year??? Good Lord. This article raises two big points for me: A) Where the hell does all this money go? Hey Monk, tell me again about that “financial crisis” you predict for the next few years? and B) We’re making all this money on venture capital???. That thought frightens the hell out of me (and probably every other alum in the IT industry).
Whatever, grandpa.
I’m sorry, but everytime I read another update on this story of a man abducting his grandchild to keep him away from his “gay” parents, I keep chuckling at Grandpa’s reasoning: the kid participates in ballet and “gay art class” instead of baseball. We only had regular art class at my elementary school. *snicker* (On a serious note, the kid’s back home now.)
I didn’t know that the lead singer/bass player from “Morphine” died. I still remember seeing them play in Newbury Comics in Boston with Eileen on Spring Break ’96.
Ohmygosh! Bob Davie wrote a letter to the student body asking them to e-mail a young boy named Scott Delgadillo with leukemia. Scott is a lifelong ND fan who attended the Purdue game with the Make-a-Wish Foundation. Davie’s been in contact with the family for some time, and he says: “I know that with the attitude this extraordinary young man possesses, along with our prayers, he will win this battle.” Please consider dropping Scott a line and telling him the Notre Dame family is behind him all the way.
Pisces buddies!!