Oooh! An actual picture of the shirt that caused the controversy. It turns out that the Board of Governance were so embarrassed by it that they bought up the whole supply so none could be sold. Some Belles claimed censorship.
ND Olympics cancelled
Okay, so this kid was planning an off-campus “Olympics” that would feature teams from all the different study abroad programs competing in events like beer bonging, keg races, and cups. Residence Life got wind of it, though, and shut him down. While I agree with the whole “drinking responsibly” idea… I still think the Londoners would’ve kicked supreme ass.
I was surprised to read of Pride Week at SMC in the Observer Friday. “Wow!” I thought. “I didn’t realize that they were so proud of their lesbians!” And then I found out that it has nothing to do with being gay at all. It’s just the week when all the SMC Chicks proclaim their pride at being a Belle. *sigh* Whatever.
Check out the NDPD Police Blotter for August. Okay, so most of the things on there are actual crimes… but check out the “larceny” that occurred on 8/9/00. Apparently somebody at the Joyce Center reported that “two pairs of sunglasses and a pair of scissors” were stolen from their desk. At 11:30 in the morning. Does this strike you as a little, uh, dumb? Like our police force – even Rent-a-Cops, which they are – don’t have anything better to do than look for missing sunglasses and scissors??
A bit unfair.
Does anybody else think that it’s slightly unfair that Jenn Grubb, varsity women’s soccer player, is playing Interhall football this year? I’m not saying she shouldn’t be allowed or anything; she’s got as much right as anybody. But I still don’t like it.
SMC Chicks again
Okay, so the SMC junior class prints up a T-shirt. On the shirt are two girls, one wearing an ND shirt and the other wearing a “French Cross” SMC shirt. Then there’s an ND boy kissing the SMC girl with “The Girl of Choice” written below. Now some people are (rightly) protesting that this is the kind of thing that gives SMC Chicks a bad name.
ND Football
An ESPN columnist points out how ridiculous it is that one play (Michigan State’s 4th-and-10 gamewinner) changes our rating so much. There’s also a great quote from Lou about his new team: “I told this team they could play with any team in the country. I just haven’t figured out WHAT country yet.”
Pisces buddies!!