Why do the Boy Scouts make such a big deal about gays when the Girl Scouts don’t? The boys rely on donations from the Mormon Church while the girls sell cookies. Makes me proud to be a Brownie.
Pop quiz
Who do you think this quote is from? “You see, when you wake up cold and alone, with glitter on your face, and your hands are shaking and your mind’s gone loose, and it’s all you can do to get down a thimbleful of juice, you close your eyes and remind yourself who you’re in this for — who makes it all worthwhile… the children.” Give up? Theodore from Alvin and the Chipmunks. Heehee!
Charlton Heston went to some university to talk about the NRA and half the students wore black to protest. That’s the sort of statement I’d like to see the Notre Dame student body make one day.
The best part of this interview with ND linebacker Anthony Denman is his line: “We’re giving up how many yards a game? Wow, that’s a lot.”
Papa Stank
Papa gets to keep its slogan. Now if they could just do something about the stank it leaves in your dorm room. 🙂
That’s a lot of books
$16 million donated to the Hesburgh Library. You know, it’s alumni like this that make the rest of us look bad.
Shut up, Alec
Uh oh, Alec Baldwin says he’ll leave the US if Bush wins. Does anybody else think this might induce people to vote Republican? Note to Alec: You’re not much of an asset here.
Some ESPN guy has picked Davie as his coach of the week and thinks that the Purdue victory should give him some more job security. We’ll see after Michigan State, I guess.
Girl power
This is awesome! How did I miss that there’s a female member of the Irish Guard? I had no idea that girls were even allowed, but apparently it was just the height requirement that kept non-penis bearers out. 🙂
Pisces buddies!!