KICKASS! There’s some fine Weasel Football trash-talking going on in this Observer article. I love how they haven’t even played their first game and captain Amanda Gallen is quoted as saying: “We are looking forward to the playoffs and playing Pasquerilla East in the stadium.” Way to keep that rivalry going, girls!
Oh great. “Five wounded in Indiana shooting.” This kind of stuff isn’t supposed to happen where I live! When are people gonna wake up and demand stricter gun control laws? Let’s just say I’m pretty happy livin’ in the UK right now.
19 again
The new US News & World Report College Rankings are out… and Notre Dame is #19 again. Haven’t we been #19 for, like, five years straight??
Wow, sweet!
Okay, so I thought that our new quarterback would suck. I’m happy to be wrong. My favorite part of ESPN’s recap is when they told him that he completed one more pass than Purdue’s (Heisman candidate) Drew Brees did. Godsey’s response: “I did? Wow, sweet.” I like that. 🙂
Help with a name?
If any anybody can help me think of a new name for my company, now AC, soon to be changed, i could win a trip to Australia. I’d consider taking you with… (Posted by Kelly McMahon)
Corso again
Lee Corso responds to a question about Notre Dame (scroll to the bottom) and proves once again that he’s an unmitigated asshole. And what the hell are “subway alumni” anyway??
This is so incredibly disturbing, on many many levels. A Nebraska player is on trial for sexual assault. I know our university isn’t perfect and all… but it’s not as bad as some places, you know?
Pisces buddies!!