• Big Brother

    Oh! Now I get it. Elisabeth’s boyfriend didn’t sell just any old naked pictures of her to the tabloids. They were “artistic” and he only did it to combat her “earth mother” image. Whatever. In case you have no clue what I’m talking about, read this interview with one of the chicks from Big Brother. Yeah, yeah, I understand about the manipulation of footage and all. But I still can’t believe she had no problems with him doing that. (Link courtesy of John.)

  • Stinkor ruled!
    Gael – who seems to be back to regular posting – pointed to a hilarious story entitled “The Ten Strangest Masters of the Universe Figures Ever!” Didn’t know I was into He-Man, did ya? Well, the babysitter my brother, sister, and I went to all through elementary school had this spoiled rotten little brat of a son named Nathan. And Nathan had every single He-Man toy created. Seriously, every one. So when it was raining and we couldn’t play outside, we played with those damn dolls. We all had our favorites, but I was torn between Stinkor, the skunk-man who actually stank, and the dude with three faces that rotated within his head. Now that was a dumb super power.

  • Wil Wheaton has a weblog

    I know everybody’s already pointed to it, but it just completely blows my mind that Wil Wheaton has a weblog. In fact, it weirds me out that Wil Wheaton grew up at all. I had such a crush on him back in the “Stand by Me” days. He and Barrett Oliver (from “The Neverending Story”) epitomized my idea of the perfect boy. Smart and bookish and skinny and sweet. *sigh* Anyway, if you’re a fellow fan you might also be interested in an interview Wheaton did with AICN last year. Man, he has some issues. (Link courtesy of Ron.)

  • Okay, since I promised to mention it, the ex-girlfriend meet-up went very well. After all the drama, she just turned out to be a normal-looking chick. I didn’t get a chance to talk to her very much, but she didn’t seem unpleasant. Probably not somebody I would be best friends with, but not mean or scary or anything. The whole visit probably lasted less than an hour. So other than that whole “me-puking-two-hours-later” thing, I call the trip a success. Thanks to everybody who voted in the poll and encouraged me to go.

  • Recovery

    Ah, the end of a three-day weekend. Man, that sucks. On the plus side, though, I’m feeling much better. I don’t know what it is about me and holidays, but every time I’m off work I end up sick or causing myself bodily injury (see the Australia trip for further proof). Anyway, thanks for all the kind words. I should be back in the blogging swing of things by tomorrow!

  • Sick.
    (Warning, extreme grossness ahead.) Ugh. Nastiness. Either I’ve caught a bug or else I’m still weak from the blood loss Thursday. Regardless, I’m in bad shape. We ventured into Central London today for the long-awaited ex-girlfriend meeting (more on that later, but the short version is that it went fine) and I unwisely chose to start off the day with an icy coffee slushy. I couldn’t even finish it. It was so hot and humid and pretty soon my skin started to get cold and clammy all over. After parting from the Aussies, we successfully purchased The Sims House Party and Amy’s digital camera but that was it for me. Amy, Snookums and I stopped in a pub for a cold drink but my stomach was having none of it. Shaky, weak, and feeling icky, I headed for the Tube with the others in tow. How I survived on that rocking train for so long is beyond me. In the end, though, the train won. Let’s just say that being sick on the London Underground in a Tower Records bag is not the best way to start off a three-day weekend. *sniff* I want my Mommy.

  • Handspring Visor DeluxeCheck out what I just bought! It’s a Handspring Visor Deluxe. I’ve been thinking about getting a PDA for a while now, and this seemed to be the best use for my meager summer bonus. Isn’t it adorable? I got the blue to match Boudicca, the iMac at home. I love gadgets.

  • Bank holidays

    Union leaders are calling for British workers to get three more bank holidays to bring them in line with the European average of about 11. A bank holiday, for you Yanks, is like Labor Day or Memorial Day – pretty much everybody gets it off and the banks/government offices are all closed. So not only does the average British worker get, like, at least three weeks of paid vacation, we’re also getting 11 work-free holidays. Just to make you even sicker, compare that with the U.S. system where you only get two weeks vacation (if you’re lucky) and roughly seven holidays (New Year’s, Easter, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas). Take my advice: hop on a plane, come to England, and start livin’ the good life. (Link courtesy of Jann.)

  • Dreamlog: My subconscious dredged up one of my all-time top anxiety dreams. I’m backstage in my high school theater, about to go on, and I have no clue what lines I’m supposed to say. This time it was “Bye Bye Birdie”, in which I originally played the role of “Rosie”. (Yes, “Spanish” Rose, and I had to wear a horrid Hispanic fright wig despite my protestations that many, many Spanish people have light hair, and I’m still bitter about that to this day.) So anyway I went on and managed to make it through the first few lines, but then I just lost it. I woke up before we even got to the first number, “An English Teacher”. It was horrible.

  • I’ve been cruising around IBM’s developerWorks site today. Found some great usability articles, like “How not to make your site accessible”, “Instant back buttons”, and “Keeping up appearances”. Good stuff.


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!