Now that the Weasels are officially out of the Interhall Football Playoffs, I feel I can finally give my support to Erin Place and the rest of the Off-Campus girls. LET’S GO SPAZ! BEAT THE DUCKS!
From Kel
A great link from Kel, in the spirit of my earlier G.I. Joe post: “How to Catch the A-Team”.
We’ll take it, I guess
The current College Football Poll asks “Who is the most exciting team in college football today?” There are seven options to choose from, including all three Florida schools, Oklahoma, Northwestern, Washington… and Notre Dame. What in the world? I mean, we didn’t even play last week! Sure, our quarterback tribulations have been pretty interesting, but I don’t think anybody would argue that we’re more exciting than teams actually in the hunt for the national championship. It’s like they just threw us in because they needed another name people would recognize, while also giving the anti-ND crowd the satisfaction of seeing our name way down on the list. (We’re in 6th, ahead of Washington.) But again… WHY?
This article about game show contestants first reminded me of Lizzie (with her recent victory)… but as I got further and further into it, it started reminding me more and more of KELLY MCMAHON.
Holy Schnikies! This woman is attempting the highest skydive ever: over 31 miles! And she’s not even a Parachutin’ Weasel!
And now for something completely different… “How to Defeat GI Joe”. This completely cracked me up.
Hell freezes over
Lee Corso says, “[If the Irish] get through that schedule with two losses they deserve to play in a BCS game. I’m starting to warm to that man.
It’s dusty in here, isn’t it?
*sniff* Here’s a letter from a nurse who’s worked with Scott Delgadillo, the young Irish fan fighting leukemia. She thanks everybody at the University for supporting him.
Pisces buddies!!