The most beautiful man in alterna-rock is marrying the most annoying female in alterna-rock. I give this union about three months.
Pisces buddies!!
The most beautiful man in alterna-rock is marrying the most annoying female in alterna-rock. I give this union about three months.
Meg wants to know: What do you see around your computer? I see a cluttered desk upon which rests a scanner, a printer, a digital camera, an empty cereal bowl (actually a large cappucino mug; I didn’t feel like washing a bowl), a book called “Latin for All Occasions”, an empty bakery wrapper from the gingerbread man Snookums bought me the other day, a half-full wineglass left over from last night, my gym class schedule, and a couple wadded up Kleenex. To my right are the shelves of our “office area”: CD rack, blank CD-R’s, phone, inkjet paper, calculator, pens, tools, etc. To my left I can see out the glass doors to our balcony, which overlooks a small patch of green grass and purple flowers in front of the office building next door. I can see King Street with all its cafes and shops at the end of the block, and people strolling past enjoying the warm sunshine and blue sky. Behind me, my Snookums lies on the couch reading his book.
What do you see?
(Perhaps you should go tell Meg or blog it on your own site. I don’t want her to think I’m hijacking her discussion.)
Ananova reports that the ‘N Sync scene in Star Wars: Episode 2 has been scrapped, supposedly due to fan outcry. Yeah, right. Fan outcry has never changed Lucas’s mind before, and I doubt it would now. I’m suddenly suspicious about this whole story again. Has anyone actually taken the time to look on the official site? As far as I can tell, there are no official confirmations that ‘N Sync were going to be involved at all, much less that they’re suddenly now not involved. Methinks that this whole thing has just been one big rumor, and we’re all so ready to accept Lucas as “defiler of the Universe” that we bought it hook, line, and sinker. (Ananova link courtesy of anon.)
Done your good deed for the day yet? If not, click on this link. It goes to the comic strip Sheldon, which is drawn by Dave Kellett, another ND alumnus. United Media is considering picking up Sheldon for syndication and will base the decision on how many hits the site gets. Dave used to draw a comic for the campus newspaper called Four Food Groups of the Apocalypse. It was one of my favorite comics of all time. Go give him a couple hits, will ya? (Thanks to Brigita for bringing this to my attention.)
Nigella does bite.
Despite the New York Times‘s breathy adoration, I still do not like Nigella Lawson. First of all, she’s a female Jamie Oliver. Men just find her less annoying because she’s good-looking and she’s posh. The fact remains that she’s famous more for her personality than for her recipes. She also obviously has an oral fixation, which drives me up the wall. In every picture she’s got a carrot stick or something between her lips. (Snookums and I feel this is a big key to her appeal with male audiences.) Lastly, I found her book “How to be a Domestic Goddess” sexist and annoying. I like to bake, but I don’t consider myself more feminine or goddess-like because of it. I don’t think wafting around my house in a cloud of vanilla and ginger is the apex of womanhood. And I don’t think flicking your hair that much in a kitchen can be very sanitary, do you?
While researching my hay fever online, I came across the website of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Of course, judging by the URL, I though it was a site devoted to this guy.
The Snook and I saw Monsters Inc. today. It was even better than I expected. I was worried that the little girl would annoy me, but instead the story of Sully and Boo completely won me over. Of course, the best part of the moviegoing experience was seeing our Aussie friend Scott in a Showtime commercial before the feature. He’s the pale redhead in the middle of this picture. In the advert you see three black and white photos of him (“By day he’s a clerk…”) and then suddenly he morphs into Russell Crowe (“… but tonight he will conquer an empire!”). We laughed and laughed. Congrats, mate.
Ron started a meme! He’s created the blogger code and even a handy cgi that generates it for you. Here’s mine:
I am the New Year’s Resolution Girl! I joined the gym today and made an appointment to see a personal trainer tomorrow afternoon. I am going to get fit, fit, fit. But no yoga. I learned that lesson already.
Apparently Kirsty MacColl’s last album is going to be released soon. I’m not such a big fan, but Snookums’s mom is. That article has some good information about her influence on modern music (and musicians).
My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.
No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.
Pisces buddies!!
TIL we share the birthday month/week. Happy Birthday!
Thank you!!
Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!
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