Good luck to Tara D, who begins the Avon Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk tomorrow. Sixty miles! I know you can do it, TD!
Pisces buddies!!
Good luck to Tara D, who begins the Avon Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk tomorrow. Sixty miles! I know you can do it, TD!
Hey Dad, I found an interview with Ted Nugent you might like. I read it figuring I’d loathe the guy, but he actually comes off pretty cool. I mean, he stands up for what he believes in. I had no idea that he was such an environmentalist. Plus he’s hilarious. I’m going to start “Nugetizing” my own speech. And his constant ranting about The Osbournes was priceless.
(P.S. Hey Pop, you want this Nuge cookbook? Sounds like a great Father’s Day present!)
“That which doesn’t kill us…”
In running news, I’m ridiculously happy to report that today I managed to run the entire 5K (3.1 miles) without stopping! That is seriously, like, a Lifetime Best. My pace is still pretty slow, but at least I managed to finish. Only four more days til the race! I figure I’ll try to run the full distance again Thursday and Friday, and then take Saturday off to rest and hydrate. I’m still nervous, though. My registration stuff came in the mail today, with a map of the course, the T-shirt I ordered, and my official race number. (7929 in the hizzouse!) I guess I can’t back out now. I’ve caught myself secretly hoping for rain a few times. It’s not that I’m worried about physically being able to do it anymore. It’s more like I’m afraid I’ll chicken out mentally and end up being disappointed with myself. Snookums has been very encouraging and has promised to be there cheering me on. Today he even dangled the promise of a skiing weekend if I run the entire race! Mostly, though, I just want to make him proud of me. Being unemployed for eight months isn’t the best way to feel great about yourself. If I can do this, though, it’ll go a long way towards making this last year of upheaval and change feel like it’s heading in the best possible direction.
Since Snookums is home this week, we happily accepted his sister’s invitation to accompany her and her son Kurt to Sydney’s Taronga Zoo yesterday. We figured it would be a pleasant morning of pushing the baby around in his stroller and pointing out animals to him. Man, we were so wrong. I had no idea how much energy two-year-olds have! We chased him up and down that place. (Our legs are sore today!) Everybody had a great time though. Here are my favorite three pictures from the day:
The first one is Uncle Rodd and Kurt in front of the chimpanzee island. What a bunch of monkey boys! The second is me, Rodd, and Kurt as a family of penguins. And the last is Kurt at lunch wearing my new red hat and giving us his beautiful big boy smile. Isn’t he a cutie?
In case you’re interested, here are some more info and links about my problems with that latest OSX update. This guy got the same exact error I did.
Great news! Boudicca (my computer) is back up and running. (Well, she’s not 100%, but she’s getting there.) Always remember to backup your hard drive before updating your operating system. Just a helpful tip there, kids.
CRAP. I was trying to install the latest Mac OSX update today (10.1.5) and it completely killed my machine. Kernel panics everywhere. I can’t even boot up into OSX anymore. Now we’re frantically trying to back everything up in OS9 before doing a total reinstall. In other words, I might be MIA for a little while…
I meant to post this days ago and forgot, but anyway, here are my answers to the Blogger Survey. For those of you interested in the why’s and wherefore’s of blogging, this is a good way to get my take on it.
WHAT? Okay, I need some EastEnders assistance, and quickly. According to this article, the actress that plays Zoe – the runaway – actually ran away from home recently. They found her but she’s suffering from nervous exhaustion. Here’s the part that freaked me though: “Her absence has meant the show’s writers have had to delay her screen wedding to Dr Anthony Trueman, played by Nicholas Bailey.” Zoe’s marrying Dr. Trueman? Like, the handsome black doctor that her mother dated? That’s gotta be a typo or something, right?
I just found a great site called Strange Indiana. The author moved to the Midwest and decided to document all the strange Indiana weirdness that he found. Man, some of this stuff makes me homesick. I was also excited to finally show Snookums “The Mouse Game”, shown in this image. My Dad is the Mouse Game Champion of All Time. Basically it’s a big spinny table with lots of numbered holes around the edges. Then they chuck a mouse onto it and it runs down into one of the holes. You win prizes (usually stuffed animals) by correctly betting which hole the mouse will run to. I used to know kids that would skip school during Fair Week and spend every day down there wasting their allowance. Ahhh, teenage gambling addicts. Does it get anymore fun that that?
My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.
No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.
Pisces buddies!!
TIL we share the birthday month/week. Happy Birthday!
Thank you!!
Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!
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