• My mental age is apparently 16. This comes as no surprise to my family, who’ve known it for years. Interestingly, yesterday I bought an over-priced hat that I’ll hardly ever wear simply because it reminded me of one I had… when I was 16. It’s a red corduroy floppy driving hat. (Snookums claims it looks like the ones train engineers wear.) I think it looks cool. Like I said, I’m 16.

  • Good News Part Two. Last night at the gym I managed to run two and a half miles without stopping! I know that’s peanuts for some of you, but it’s a major personal best for me. My goal is to be able to run the entire Nike Women’s 5K (3.1 miles) next weekend. And I’m actually starting to think I might be able to do it! I have a few nagging concerns though:

    • My pace is really pretty slow. (It’s more of a jog than a run.) I’m worried that when the race starts I’ll subconsciously speed up to keep up with the others and then burn out halfway through the course. I could wear a watch, I guess, and time each kilometer, but I’ll have run a fifth of the race before I’m able to adjust. I also thought of creating an iPod playlist of songs with beats at my running pace and just listening/running to that. What do you think?
    • I run much, much better when I’m well hydrated. At the gym I drink frequently while I’m running. But how in the world do you carry water while you’re running?

    Any advice would be appreciated!

  • Good News Part One. I have a meeting about a job today! I’m fairly certain I’m going to get it, too! It’s just an HTML contract, but it’s a step in the right direction.

    Update: I got it!

  • I am so mad I could spit. I just got the following e-mail from a jerk:

    Hi tell me please why have you got a website, with tales in which only you and a few of your intimates would only be very vaguely interested?

    And a Goddess of what, pray?

    I cannot quote the scripture but is it not written in the Christian Holy Bible, something to the effect about praising oneself being no prasie [sic] at all?

    Oh, thank you, Mr. AOLer, for pointing out the errors of my ways. NOT. Can you believe that? Someone actually criticizing my personal site and journal? What an asshole. I shouldn’t have responded to such a blatant troll, but I couldn’t resist. Oh, and if any spammers are looking for a good address to scrape, I think you know what to do.

  • Natural additives

    Hey Brigita, it looks like McDonald’s is admitting they screwed up by tricking all you vegetarians and Hindus into eating fries tainted with beef. They’re donating $10 million to “Hindu and other groups” to say they’re sorry. Hmmm, I wonder how you get in on that payout?

  • It’s been a very World Cup kind of day. It’s fantastic that we get all the games on regular TV during primetime. I’m learning a lot about the game. Today I learned what the “offside” rule means. Now if I could just figure out how it applies in ice hockey…

  • A French politician has called for a ban on the Scream movies after a teenager stabbed a girl to death in a killing he claimed was inspired by the film. Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t the killer in the second movie (the delicious Timothy Olyphant) plan to use media manipulation as his own defense? Rather ironic, that.

  • Screw Korea… GO USA! That was stunning. That was also the first soccer game I’ve ever watched in its entirety in my life.

  • Woohoo! And Korea wins! I guess this World Cup thing isn’t so boring after all… 🙂

  • Is Your Boyfriend Gay? I’m happy to report that Snookums lands firmly on the straight side of the spectrum. Man, I could’ve used that checklist in high school… (Link courtesy of encorswish.)


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.






Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!