• You all know of my deep and abiding love for Legolas, right? I’d just like to clarify however that I do not love Orlando Bloom, the actor who plays him. Especially after seeing pictures like this. *shudder* (I’d have linked directly to his bio in the “Cast & Crew” section, but the stupid site is all Flash.)

  • The first woman-to-woman HIV transmission has been reported. On one hand it’s silly to be surprised; of course this sort of thing could happen. But on the other, it just seems weird, you know? I feel like women have kinda gotten the idea that our gender is always on the receiving end of such stuff. It’s a good reality check. Play safe, kids.

  • This Fametracker discussion of Celebrity Urban Legends made me laugh out loud. There are some real quotable gems in there. My favorite exchange: “Where would you even get a frozen gerbil? Health food stores?” “Man, that would be one effed-up GNC.” (Bonus points to the first person to guess which celebrity was being discussed…)

  • Sweet! I just discovered that Martin, one of the new guys here at work, is Korean! He didn’t believe I was at first, though. Now I’m all excited to re-begin my Korean language training, since he’ll be able to help me with the accent and stuff. We’re already planning an outing next week to a Korean restaurant in the city for some bool go kee.

  • Scary-Ass Lesson O’ The Day: Cockroaches can fly! I never knew that.

  • I seem to be getting a lot more hits for the Simpsons Valentine this year than previously. It’s still available if you want to tell your honey that you “Choo-Choo-Choose” them!

  • “If there were no children on this Earth, if someone announced all kids were dead, I would jump off the balcony immediately.”

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Michael Jackson needs a good PR person to tell him to stop talking about children whenever he gets interviewed. And before the psycho Michael defenders get all up in arms, I didn’t say anything bad about him, just that the fact that his name and “kids” keep getting linked in the media repeatedly isn’t good. You know, what with him being an accused pedophile and all.

    Later: Okay, we just watched “Living with Michael Jackson”, the big special interview he did that’s airing in, like, every country this week. I actually found myself feeling sorry for him at times. Of course, he’s still a complete nutjob. He’s clearly got some body dysmorphic disorder going on. And what was up with his special climbing tree? It had steps! “He’s a cheating bastard,” said the Snook. I had to agree.

  • Bored at work? Want to give the impression that you’re slaving away? Check out these stereograms (also known as “Magic Eye” pictures). Everyone will think you’re concentrating on some super-difficult problem when really you’re just trying to see the one with the 3-D boobies. (Yes, they’re really in there. No, I won’t tell you which one.)

  • Oh my god. It’s finally over. The addiction can finally end. Free at last!

  • Chicago was excellent. I’ve had the musical soundtrack for years and I finally saw the show while we were in London. I honestly didn’t see how they were going to translate it to film. When I first saw the trailers, I thought that the introduction of, like, “plot” and “setting” was really going to bother me. In fact, it was great. The re-imagining of the musical numbers as Roxie’s fantasies really worked. True, it meant they had to cut a couple of songs, but the only one I really missed was “Class”. (Though Amos’s number was sort of a cheat, since the impression it gave of him was more his own than Roxie’s, right?) I was all set to be annoyed that Mary Sunshine wasn’t a drag queen, but then I remembered that I never really liked that number anyway and Christine Baranski is always a good thing. In terms of the leads, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Renee Zellweger were amazing. (Some of you know how much it pains me to say that, given that historically Zellweger has been, well, my nemesis.) Their dancing, singing, and acting were all wonderful. Richard Gere… not so much. I didn’t like the “shoeshine boy meets the full monty” thing they did with his first number. Granted, they probably just wanted to save his razzle dazzle stuff til the big finale, but I always imagined him as a real slick James Brolin type. Not a dorky grinning Richard Gere. *shrug* Other plusses: John C. Reilly is a god. Queen Latifah kicked some serious ass. And the dancing, which I expected to suck having seen Anne Reinking’s choreography for the revival, was actually really good and seemed like a homage without being a total ripoff.

    In short, I went in expecting to complain. Instead I came out raving. This is, like, Moulin Rouge good. Oh, and I felt really cool for correctly spotting “Mya” as one of Cell Block Tango girls. 🙂


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.







Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!