• New Poll!
    In honor of my several recent video game related posts, I’m asking which genre of game is your favorite. And once again, I’ve made all the “explanations” apply to me. I can’t help it; I think it’s funny. Anyhoo, I personally found it very difficult to vote since I play just about all of those types fairly often. When I compared approximate total hours of life wasted, though, the answer was pretty clear. “Puzzle” it was. (When I was breaking up with my psycho boyfriend in high school, I would literally spend HOURS hiding from him in the computer lab and playing Minesweeper.)

    Aside: When I just told Snookums about this poll, he responded, “Does ‘downloading source code and recompiling it just for fun’ count as a game genre?” *grin* No.

    Oh, and bonus points to the first person to correctly identify the film reference buried in the options…

  • Wow. What’s left after your life is complete? I mean, congratulations and all, but you’re setting yourself up for one hell of a downhill ride, Goran.

  • *retinas burning*

    This is the ugliest website I’ve seen in a long time. Remember Uncle Jakob’s advice, kids. Flash = EVIL. Happy Surf…

  • Good Lord. More on that broomstick business: “The broomstick is not only for flying. It’s also an important fertility symbol. To be blunt, it is a combination of the male and female naughty bits. As a fertility symbol it has to be treated with respect, and flying it the wrong way is like a sacrilege. Quite simply, you can’t fly a broom the wrong way. It just would not fly.”

    This guy has just ruined the film for me. Instead of being thrilled by the exciting Quidditch scenes, I’m going to be thinking about, uh, fertility symbols.

  • A high priest of the British White Witches claims that the Harry Potter trailer is all wrong and that Harry’s riding his broomstick backwards. “Warner Brothers claims the film is an accurate portrayal of things that happen in witchcraft, yet woodcuts from the 16th and 17th centuries show broomsticks being ridden with the brush part in the front,” said Kevin Carlyon, who has his own coven in Sussex, southern England. *blink* WHAT? A) Since when is Harry Potter an “accurate portrayal” of witchcraft? and B) Who the hell cares?

  • It was a bad weekend for British sport. In fact, some would say it was the worse weekend ever. Not only did Tim Henman finally get bounced from Wimbledon, but the Brits got beaten by the Aussies at rugby, the Ashes (annual cricket series), the Lacrosse World Cup, the Speedway World Cup and the women’s cricket. Ouch. (Snookums, of course, thinks it was the best weekend ever.)

  • Atari rules. There’s a mint 2600 in the box at the Retro Gaming Shop downtown. Come on, stock options!

  • Big Brother

    John found a great article in the Guardian about the original UK Big Brother contestants and how they’ve been dealing with fame. They all sound like total wankers, except for Mel (who I always thought was nice) and Anna (who I saw on a BBC program the other day).

  • Snookums loaded up Boudicca (my iMac) with Quake 3 Arena on Saturday in preparation for our long-awaited frag-fest. Unfortunately I pretty much suck, so I don’t think it’s going to be much of a contest. Maybe if I had this guy as my character though…

  • I used to visit the Lycos 50 pretty often just to keep my “finger on the pulse” of the Net. Now Google have developed their own version: Google Zeitgeist. It shows you search trends, popular searches, and comparisons of queries. Very interesting.


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!