The tickle I’ve been feeling in the back of my throat for two days can be ignored no longer. I’m sick, folks. *pout* Snookums has been taking good care of me though. Orange juice and chicken soup are on the menu today!
Pisces buddies!!
The tickle I’ve been feeling in the back of my throat for two days can be ignored no longer. I’m sick, folks. *pout* Snookums has been taking good care of me though. Orange juice and chicken soup are on the menu today!
Hmm. It turns out my experiment this morning might not have been entirely scientifically accurate.
Cruel irony. Tara D, who’s been defending Valentine’s Day to me all week, just had the shittiest one EVER. Some jerk stole her wallet at the grocery store and then went on a spending spree. I’d explain more, but you really should read her version of it. I mean, she’s a professional comedian, so despite the suckiness of what happened, her re-telling of it is still the funniest thing I’ve read in a while.
Slashdot’s Commander Taco proposed to his girlfriend yesterday via the website! That’s the cutest thing ever.
On a related note, Channel 7 here has a new show called “Marry Me” where they film outrageous public marriage proposals. Snook astutely predicted that I’d love it. It’s not that I have a thing for weddings or anything. It’s just that these poor guys do the most embarrassing things, and they’re so nervous, and you just have to laugh.
The café around the corner from our apartment has a chalkboard out front that always has an interesting (and often timely) quote on it. Today’s was an old Sicilian proverb: “Everlasting love lasts two years.” I just thought I’d throw that out there for anybody feeling, you know, bitter today.
What do people call themselves where you live? Snookums and I were talking about this on the bus today. Six months ago we were Londoners, but now we’re Sydneysiders. We couldn’t imagine what people in Perth call themselves. So what are your city’s citizens called? Do you find it funny? If you don’t know it, what do you think they should be called?
What a lovely day! The Snook and I spent it at Coogee Beach, soaking up sun and Pacific waves. I hope everyone spent it in a way that made them happy.
In case you didn’t see it, my friend Stefanie came up with a great link about why Jennifer Connelly’s up for Best Supporting Actress instead of Best Actress. I still think she was scared of the competition, though.
Are you a music loser? How many of these albums do you have? If you’ve got twelve or more, you might be a Dido fan. (I have six, but if you count mp3’s of the bands mentioned, it goes much higher. Thus I’m probably a loser.)
Because I know you all wait breathlessly to hear how we did on the trivia each week… we lost last night. By one stinking point! We did beat our hated rivals (the “Rebels Without a Clue” team), but it was harsh to be so close and miss it. See if you can get some of the ones we missed: (1) What were the names of Marilyn Monroe’s three husbands? (We got two of those.) (2) What’s the term for the heart’s contraction that pumps blood throughout the body? (3) At which Olympics did Amy van Dyken win a bunch of swimming medals? If you can get those, you shoulda been there! We’d have won.
My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.
No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.
Pisces buddies!!
TIL we share the birthday month/week. Happy Birthday!
Thank you!!
Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!
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