• Cue the spooky music. It’s time to start our Coraline discussion. Did it freak you out? Do you have nightmares about doughy-faced button-eyed scary people? Do you really, really want a cat now? (I do.) Enquiring minds want to know.

    Note: As I’m swamped with work at the mo, I’ll leave it up to you guys to start the ball rolling. I finished the book yesterday, so I’ll jump in as soon as I can.

  • What’s with all the sex links lately? No idea. Anyway, one of the Snook’s female(!) co-workers passed along this link, where you can see the Playboy centrefold from the month you were born. NOTE: This is definitely not work-safe! That said, mine (March ’77) is pretty. The Snook’s (July ’76) is really weird looking. And what’s with the random socks? Now I’m wondering if these are the French edition models (based on the URL). Anyone want to admit to knowing if that’s the case? 🙂

  • Is there anything Sarah Michelle Geller can’t do? 🙂 (Link courtesy of Ernie.)

  • I just discovered that my friend Nora from college (she was a fellow Honors Program geek) has a LiveJournal! It’s weird how many of my real life acquaintances are now bloggers. I’m wondering if there’d be any interest in an ND alumni webring. What do you Domers think? I’m almost done with this work project (finally), so it might be fun to tackle afterwards.

  • Bollywood crossed with Pride and Prejudice? Kickass.

  • Halloween cookiesCheck out these Halloween cookies my sister made! Scary bones and witches’ fingers. Maybe if we all ask very nicely, she’ll tell us how she did it…

  • My sister sent me a link to this really cute Flash movie today. Put your headphones on so you can crank the music. 🙂

  • This whole BCS thing is insane. Does anyone understand this analysis? Why in the world doesn’t college football have a playoff tournament?

  • Helpful tip: when you stay up til 3 in the morning to listen to something on the Internet, make sure your ISP hasn’t scheduled a maintenance outage for that night. D’oh!

  • It’s two minutes to kickoff… and it’s three in the morning. *yawn* Go Irish.

    Update: HEART ATTACK.

    • 8:30 into the game – Internet connection completely dies
    • 8:32 – I frantically check every connection
    • 8:33 – I run upstairs and restart the modem several times
    • 8:34 – still dead
    • 8:35 – I reluctantly wake the Snook, who has no ideas
    • 8:40 – I try to find the number for our ISP to call and complain
    • 8:41 – I am unsuccessful
    • 12:00 – I call my friends in the US for a score update
    • End of first quarter – I give up and decide to go to bed
    • One second later – Internet comes back!

    This game is a shocker already and it’s only one-fourth of the way through. At least I’m awake now.

    Game over! Oh my god. ND 34, FSU 24. (It should’ve been 34-10, but whatever.) The sun has risen on a world with Notre Dame championship aspirations. I’m going to go try to pry my contacts off my eyeballs and hit the sack. What a night.


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.







Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!