• Will Self, the author of one of the books we’re scheduled to read, has announced a plan to “lock himself in a one-bedroom flat on the 20th floor of a Liverpool tower block and allow the public to observe him while he writes a short novel”. Apparently he mourns the loss of these high-rise residential monstrosities, many of which are being torn down. I think he sounds like a bit of a loony.

  • I just started my second ever Metafilter thread. It’s about the Big Things that serve as tourist attractions here in Oz: the Big Banana, the Big Pineapple, and the Big Prawn (to name just a few). I just told the Snook that I want to visit them all. 🙂

  • Fun Australian Slang:
    The Aussies have this fun habit of taking the first syllable of a word and turning it into slang. (Hence, “Aussies.”) Here are some more that I like:

    • mozzies = mosquitoes
    • cozzies = swimming costume = bathing suit
    • derro = derelict = bum
    • surfies = surfers
    • aggro = aggressive
    • ambo = ambulance
    • Maccas = McDonald’s
    • arvo = afternoon
    • garbo = garbage collector
    • piccie = picture, photograph
    • pokie = poker/slot machine

    Now try and use them in a sentence today. 🙂

  • The good news: Notre Dame beat Purdue and improved to 2-0 this season. (Sorry, little brother.) The bad news: Our offense hasn’t scored a touchdown yet. Of course, that means our defense ROCKS.

  • Happy (slightly belated) anniversary to Nicci, who just celebrated five very happy years of weddedness. (Is that a word?) Her post about her husband turned me into a big mooshy girly-girl.

  • Chamber of Secrets

    Woohoo! Pictures from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I’m still not loving Dobby. But other than that, it looks great. And hey, Tom Riddle is hot! (Both links courtesy of Moire.)

    [Related note: The Snook and I watched the James Bond film A View to a Kill the other night. It’s the last one Roger Moore did, the weird one 80’s one with Grace Jones and the Duran Duran theme song. Anyway, Christopher Walken plays the bad guy, this pseudo-German psychopathic genius horse breeder and microchip manufacturer. (Seriously.) He’s really young and he’s got dyed blond hair. Halfway through the film I blurted out, “He’s Draco Malfoy!” And he seriously is. If they ever need a flash-forward in one of the Potter films to Draco about 30 years older, Walken in a blond wig would be perfect.]

  • It was such a gorgeously hot spring day here today that the Snook and I decided to head to Victoria Park for a picnic. It was a good day for people-watching, with lots of folks playing Frisbee and just soaking up the sun. One guy was even throwing a boomerang around! That’s the first time I’ve ever seen anybody do that (with a proper wooden boomerang, not a Nerf version). Even the Snook was impressed.

  • The Herald‘s got another article on Steve Irwin: “Is this the best known Aussie in the world?” My new little step-brother Colfax loves the Crocodile Hunter. Of course, given that that’s all he knows about the country, he’s probably too scared now to ever visit. 🙂

  • The Greatest Low-Carb Recipe EVAH!
    The Snook discovered this the other day and I just have to share. Even you non-dieters would probably love it. I know it sounds gross at first, and believe me, I was a big doubter. Just bear with me. It’s called a Mock Danish. Basically, you take 2 oz. of cream cheese (i.e. 1/4 of a Philly block) and melt in the microwave. Then you mix it all up with one egg. Add a little vanilla, lemon, and artificial sweetener. Nuke for two more minutes. Like I said, I know it sounds gross. But get this – it is so good. It is reminiscent of a cream cheese danish, and also a nice cheesecake. Personally, it reminds me of a good eggy custard. I like it with a handful of blueberries and a little cream and cinnamon on top, or with a spoonful of some Weight Watchers jam I got. Plus it has, like, no carbs in it (depending on what you add). It’s good for dessert or even for breakfast. It’s warm and nummy and soothing and it takes all of five minutes to prepare. Yes, I know you’re still dwelling on the grossness. Up until the point I tasted it, I was too. Just give this one a try next time you’re in the mood for something cheesecakey.

  • Friday Five:

    1. What is your biggest pet peeve? Why?
    Biggest? I can’t choose. I have so many. I get annoyed when people have to go to the bathroom too often. Seriously. I think it has to do with having a younger brother with a bladder the size of a teacup. The number of times we’d have to pull over so he could pee in a cornfield… I also hate it when people say “nu-cu-lar” instead of “nuclear”. I’m irritated by parents who push inappropriate strollers (filled with inappropriate children) to inappropriate places. I rage when mobile phones ring during a movie. And I have a whole subset of pet peeves just for my gym, such as women who wear make-up on the treadmill, guys who wear combat boots instead of gym shoes, and old women who think they can get away with wearing just a sports bra as a top. Like I said, I got a lot.

    2. What irritating habits do you have?
    I crack my knuckles. I snore (just a little). I do this thing where I fiddle with the edges of fabric, like the hem of a pillowcase or a curtain. That drives my sister crazy. And I have this pathetic inability to just, you know, do stuff. I’m a procrastinator and I’m lazy. I’ll decide to do something but then when the time comes, I’ll find an excuse to back out. (Hence my spotty training record at the gym.) It even annoys me.

    3. Have you tried to change the irritating habits or just let them be?
    I’ve tried to change the last one, but it never lasts. I’ll get this surge of empowerment and make all these “To Do” lists and stuff, but eventually I just peter out. It doesn’t help that the Snook is exactly the same way, so we just enable each other’s slackerdom. It’s a vicious circle.

    4. What grosses you out more than anything else? Why?
    I can’t watch scenes in movies where people receive injections. It’s just squicks me out. (I don’t mind getting them myself, as long as I don’t have to watch.)

    5. What one thing can you never see yourself doing that other people do?
    Sadly, eat sushi or oysters. I just can’t do the raw fish thing. I think eventually I might work up to cooked seafood, but there’s no way I could eat something that’s been plucked straight out of the sea. The very smell makes me ill.


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





  1. My home economics teacher taught us to use “J cloths” as press cloths. (Cellulose cleaning cloths). The upside of using…



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