I got a library card! It’s been, like, a decade since I’ve been to a public library. Usually I buy books (I’m a hoarder and a collector), but that habit is an expensive one for somebody who’s only a part-time contractor. Thus when I was in the bookstore the other day, I decided to pause before laying down $60 AU for the Lemony Snicket box set. I mean, I don’t even know if I’ll like the stories or not! (I know a bunch of y’all have recommended them, but I hated Artemis Fowl and didn’t want to get burned.) So I decided to track down the Newtown public library. Twenty-four hours later I’ve got my card and my book! The only negative about the whole experience was the librarian… an ill-tempered, sullen, red-headed, uh, “little person”. (Yes, she was a dwarf.) As I am a giant, I’ll leave you to imagine that encounter. Meanwhile, I gots books to read!
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