• Happenings

    Two occurrences of note today:

    1. Café Moda has finally opened! That’s the place directly below us. We went there for breakfast, and George the owner gave us free coffee as thanks for putting up with all the noise over the past two months.
    2. Snookums has a job! Granted, it’s sort of “trial” right now, but if he does well with this first project they’ve given him, it might be more permanent! And guess what he’ll be working on? Oh yeah – one of the Australian Spider-Man promotions! How cool is that??

  • Star Wars.com has redesigned! Keep hitting refresh to see all of the different Attack of the Clones promo shots. Snookums and I were amazed to see free postcards with these images at our corner coffee shop the other day. (As you might guess, they now adorn our refrigerator.) And finally, woohoo! Exactly one week til the premiere!

  • Remember how some of you sponsored me in the Walk Against Want in March? My walk was peanuts. My good friend Tara D is doing a massive three-day, sixty-mile walk for breast cancer research next month. That’s almost a marathon a day! It’s called the Breast Cancer 3-Day, and she’s almost halfway to her funding goal. Did I mention that this is a good cause and that Tara D is a really amazing person for doing this? You should go sponsor her right now. I did!

  • Kevyn Aucoin died. That sucks. I don’t have any of his books, but I have spent quite a bit of time flipping through them in bookstores. He had to be the only “name” makeup artist in the world. He was even on an episode of Sex and the City!

  • George the Animal SteeleAnother important piece of my childhood has fallen by the wayside. The WWF is now the WWE. That story makes it sound like the World Wildlife Fund was being all unreasonable and litigious, though, when I thought that the wrestlers were the first ones to sue over copyright. *shrug* Oh well. Excuse me while I put on my Cyndi Lauper and reminisce about the Junk Yard Dog, Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, and of course, George the Animal Steele.

  • GoddessBlog

    Sorry to be so absent. I’m working on releasing GoddessBlog to the world. Still have lots to do…

  • Since you guys did so well with the whole Thrustmaster/Stickmaster quiz, here’s another creative consumer challenge for you. There’s a commercial currently running on Australian TV that infuriates me. It’s shot like a 1940’s crime movie. With tense music pumping in the background, a well-dressed woman is cleaning up after a murder she has just performed. She drags the dead businessman on the floor out the door. She sweeps up broken glass. The music gets louder as police begin to close in on the house. She sweeps a pile of money off the desk into a bag. Just before the coppers burst in, she notices a small puddle of blood the corpse has left on the floor. So she…

    What? Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to guess what the murderess does to avoid arrest, and to determine what product this stupid melodrama is selling. Any ideas?

  • Holy crap! Gretel was just getting ready to announce this week’s Big Brother evictee when the whole Channel 10 feed went black. No sound, no picture. It came back ten seconds later just in time for us to catch Aaron picking up his bags. (Good riddance, asshole.) But man! Somebody’s going to lose their job over that one. Or maybe it was industrial sabotage? The timing of it couldn’t have been worse. I love this show.

  • If you’re into comics, May 4 is Free Comic Book Day in the U.S. Apparently you can go into any comic book store and get one free!


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





  1. My home economics teacher taught us to use “J cloths” as press cloths. (Cellulose cleaning cloths). The upside of using…



Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!