Ebert has added Say Anything to his list of “The Great Movies.” I tend to agree.
We have the Harold McGee book, v interesting and often useful. Right up his alley I reckon!
Make your own license plate. Yeah, mine’s stretched a bit. Remember when you used to get little bicycle license plates in boxes of Honeycomb cereal? I’d always pray for a cool one, and instead it’d be Texas every single time. Not that Texas sucks or anything, but I swear that’s the only one they ever gave out.
Today at the Fair Day, some guy excitedly told us: “Did you hear that Australia just won its first ever gold medal? He was a speed skater. He won because he was last and all the other guys fell down.” We all laughed. It was the classic joke. Except later I found out, it really happened! The guys on the Ice Dream are having a field day with this.
I’m feeling much better today. I dragged myself out of bed to meet up with Kristen and her fiancé for brunch. My first blog meet-up! Very cool. Then I headed down to Victoria Park for the Mardi Gras Fair Day. Mardi Gras is Sydney’s big month-long Gay and Lesbian Festival. I couldn’t believe how many people were there. There were booths for gay veterinarians and lesbian bikers and gay Christians and everything else you can possibly think of. I saw drag queens and butch women and men dressed as nuns, and everyone seemed to be leading a dog on a leash. (I never realized the gay community was so into pets.) Our play had a booth and I spent a couple hours there promoting the show. We were also having a raffle for a big basket of “adult products” donated by our sponsor, SassyRoad.com. It was so much fun. If you’re in Sydney next month, I expect to see you at the show!
I still feel crappy. I made it to the rehearsal today, but I had to bail on the dog racing. (Snookums just SMSed me to say he won $110 on the trifecta!) We think we may have discovered what’s ailing me though. Apparently our friend Steph (who was at Trivia with us Wednesday) and her boss have both been ill with some flu that’s going around. How come I get every single bug, though, and Snookums never gets sick at all? It’s not fair.
1. What was the first thing you ever cooked?
Probably ramen noodles. We were crazy about those when we were kids. They’re apparently very popular in Korea, so we called them by their Korean name: “rom-yen”.
2. What’s your signature dish?
Snookums would probably say it’s my chili, although I readily admit it cannot hold a candle to my father’s. I’m much better with the baking than the cooking, actually. I’d probably say it’s my peanut butter cookies.
3. Ever had a cooking disaster? (tasted like crap, didn’t work, etc.) Describe.
Remember the infamous pizza incident?
4. If skill and money were no object, what would make for your dream meal?
I don’t know. I’m a simple girl. All the stuff I like, either I or the Snook can make. For dessert, though, I wish I could make a cheesecake like I had the other night at Mama Maria’s Italian Restaurant. It was simply divine.
5. What are you doing this weekend?
For the first time ever, I actually have plans! Today I’ve got the first rehearsal for the new play, and then tonight we’re all going to the dog races (“the Doggies”) for my friend Kenya’s birthday. Then tomorrow I’m going to man our play’s booth at Victoria Park Fair Day, and then in the afternoon I’m meeting Kristen for my first ever international blog meet-up!
The tickle I’ve been feeling in the back of my throat for two days can be ignored no longer. I’m sick, folks. *pout* Snookums has been taking good care of me though. Orange juice and chicken soup are on the menu today!
Hmm. It turns out my experiment this morning might not have been entirely scientifically accurate.
Cruel irony. Tara D, who’s been defending Valentine’s Day to me all week, just had the shittiest one EVER. Some jerk stole her wallet at the grocery store and then went on a spending spree. I’d explain more, but you really should read her version of it. I mean, she’s a professional comedian, so despite the suckiness of what happened, her re-telling of it is still the funniest thing I’ve read in a while.
My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.
No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.
We have the Harold McGee book, v interesting and often useful. Right up his alley I reckon!
Pisces buddies!!
TIL we share the birthday month/week. Happy Birthday!
Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!
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