It doesn’t happen often, but every now and then I discover some aspect of Australian culture that is completely different to the American way. For instance, Channel Seven has a show on every night called “The Ice Dream” that basically makes fun of the Olympics. It’s hilarious. These two sportscasters just rip on everybody and everything. They called the Opening Ceremony “rubbish”. During their recap of the pairs ice skating tonight, they actually dubbed in fart noises whenever the couples did their spins. They keep making double entendres about the slogan “the fire within”. They’ve got a mock campaign going to host the 2010 Winter Olympics at some place called “Smiggins Hole, New South Wales”. Now, can you honestly imagine an American show like this? Sure, Dave Letterman will send his Mom to the Games, but he doesn’t take the piss for ninety minutes every night. Americans take such things very seriously. Australians don’t take anything seriously. It amuses me.
We have the Harold McGee book, v interesting and often useful. Right up his alley I reckon!
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