Wow. Apparently that error in “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,” where James came out of the wand before Lily, has been corrected in recent editions. I tried to find information on this in the various HP Yahoo clubs, but most of them are just filled with hundreds of kids squealing “Sort me PLEEAZE!”. I finally found HPforGrownups at egroups, but you’ve gotta subscribe to see their message board…
Roger Ebert reviews “Antitrust”, an intelligent and exciting thriller about open-source software… starring Ryan Phillipe. *pause* Uh-huh, riiiiight. I can’t wait to see the scene where he logs on to slashdot and posts Natalie-Portman-covered-in-hot-grits trolls. (For the record, Ebert thought it was goofy. Oh, and there are no boys on slashdot that look remotely like Ryan Phillipe. Except for my adorable boyfriend.)
I’m not a fan of excessive punishments for minor drug offenders, but I do think that if a politician is gonna push the conservative “War on Drugs” agenda, he should be prepared to accept all the consequences of that. So why did the nephew of attorney-designate Ashcroft only get probation after major pot bust? Was it because his uncle was state governor at the time? Hmmm, let me think. *frown* The hypocrisy of the Republican party really pisses me off.
Ugh. I can’t believe I’m actually going to sit through “Lost Souls” this weekend just to get a glimpse of the “Lord of the Rings” trailer. At least all of you in the States will be able to make fun of Kevin Costner’s Bah-ston accent. Meanwhile I’ll be yawning and trying to pinpoint the exact moment Winona Ryder jumped the shark.
oh. my. god. this internet version of Colorformstm could very well be the biggest source of potential timesuckage (?) on the web. i can’t stop making the little troopers! i promise to put some of them up just as soon as i can find a way to get them up somewhere. my yahoo! photo album, perhaps? for some reason i think it doesn’t accept bitmap images. thoughts, anyone? (Posted by Brigita.)
- has been hacked. The offending person was, of course, Kelly McMahon. Please disregard any offensive posts she may have made, and may God have mercy on her soul. (And have you seen that picture of her crotch from the tailgater? Red underpants are only for Valentine’s Day, Kel.)
“Scientists Genetically Engineer a Monkey.” They named it ANDi, which is a backwards acronym for “inserted DNA”. I don’t like that name. It reminds me of “D.A.R.Y.L.”, that movie starring Barret Oliver as a “Data Analyzing Robot Youth Lifeform” that I was obsessed with back in 1985. I think both cloned monkeys and android boys need real names if they’re gonna grow up with their self-esteem intact.
I got e-mail from R.E.M.! Their new album’s coming out in May and it’s gonna be called “Reveal.” Bertis says: “It is difficult to describe in words the sound of this record, but I’ll stick with my original thoughts of ‘lush, atmospheric, and melodic.’ After repeated listenings I would add things like ‘layered’ and ‘dynamic.’” I say: “Um, okay. That sounds like another “Up” to me. Which isn’t necessarily bad, as long as it’s more ‘Daysleeper’ and less ‘Airportman.’”
As if I needed another reason to hate the Bushes… one of them is after Prince William. All I got to say is: Watch your back, beeatch.
Reform Jewish leaders in New York have urged parents to sever ties to the Boy Scouts. Good for them. I’d proud to say that the Girl Scouts have included sexual orientation in their non-discrimination clause for years. Brownies rule.
Pisces buddies!!