Robin Hood was apparently secretly gay. Hey, if my lover went by the name “Little John”, I’d probably keep it a secret too. 🙂
We have the Harold McGee book, v interesting and often useful. Right up his alley I reckon!
Robin Hood was apparently secretly gay. Hey, if my lover went by the name “Little John”, I’d probably keep it a secret too. 🙂
As a present to myself for being so diligent with the pre-move preparations, I bought one of the greatest DVDs of all-time yesterday: Bring it On. I can hear you now: “What’s that, w-g? A cheerleading movie??” My sister said the same thing til I made her watch it last night and she loved it. And it stars Jesse Bradford (who is my new high-school boyfriend) and Eliza Dushku (Faith from Buffy). I even watched it again this morning with the director’s commentary, which is pretty damn funny by itself. Bring it On is the poo… so take a big whiff.
What? Gilderoy Lockhart will be played by… Kenneth Branagh?? Didn’t see that one comin’.
Check this out! I just came across a newspaper article in which I’m quoted about Roald Dahl… except I never spoke to the reporter. He simply lifted some quotes from my Frequently Asked Questions page and made it sound like I had been interviewed. A bit sneaky of him, don’t you think?
It begins. The Snook and I are finally making concrete moving plans. Much business ahead. Wish me luck!
Ooh, sweet! I want an iWalk! Now I just have to get rid of my old PDA. I might just give it to Snookums so he can put Linux on it and play around.
Update: Looks like that story’s a fake. The real device is called an iPod and it’s a conventional mp3 player, albeit a tiny one with a massive hard drive. Still cool.
Jakob predicts that web services will spell the end of homemade websites. Though he misses the obvious huge example, I think he’s probably right to an extent. But on every project, you have to guage the importance of the requirements and whether spooging those into a pre-built solution is acceptable. For example, I use PicoSearch for search functionality on my Dahl site. It’s not ideal, but it’s not enough of a priority for me to expend the time and energy to write something myself. But for both RDF and w-g, I decided that I needed to write my own database-driven blogging system. Blogger isn’t always reliable and I wanted something that I could have more control over. So while I think web services are going to lower the barrier to getting online for a lot of people, I don’t think they’re going to completely negate the need for people who know how to create custom solutions. The longer you’re online, the more you want to create a unique place just for you.
London’s new open-air public urinals have finally been unveiled. Here’s what gets me about this: women don’t pee all over doorways and walls. Why the hell do men have to do it? We actually have to cater to Neanderthals who think that just because they can piss standing up, they should be allowed to do it anywhere? No! No, I say. Get rid of the urinals and start ticketing the bastards. Post their pictures on websites that state “I am not toilet trained.” Create a database so women can look up their dates and find out of they’re a public pee-er. Electrify doorways known to attract these fools so they learn to hold it. Why the hell can’t you learn to go before you leave the pub, like any normal female?
Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf got hitched. Aww, that’s sweet. And they’re expecting a kid! I wonder if it’ll feel pressured to play tennis.
My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.
No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.
We have the Harold McGee book, v interesting and often useful. Right up his alley I reckon!
Pisces buddies!!
TIL we share the birthday month/week. Happy Birthday!
Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!
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