• Maxis (makers of the greatest game ever) have announced that they’re cancelling their latest project Simsville. It was supposed to be a cross between The Sims and Sim City. I’m not too upset about it. Personally, I think my Sims needs will be fulfilled just fine with the upcoming Hot Date Expansion Pack and The Sims Online. And as Hemos said on slashdot, “Having had to play through some real stinkers of games before, I applaud Maxis decision to kill the product, rather then try to release it on an unsuspecting public.”

  • I have a new brother

    The network’s still down, but Snookums worked some magic so I could get
    this post up. I have a new brother. My mother just called. Joseph
    Robert Garberick III was born about 45 minutes ago. I knew this was
    gonna happen… but I’m still in utter shock. I feel like I’m going to
    puke. (Hey Jann, remember how we went on a drinking spree when I first heard the news last year? Are you free anytime soon?) I’ll pass along the usual baby details as soon as I get ’em.

  • New Poll! You’ve heard me blab on about Papa John’s and Indian takeout long enough. What kind of cheap, delivered food makes your tummy growl?

  • Snookums and I ordered from Curry King again last night. It’s an Indian takeout joint in Fulham that we just discovered. The food’s okay, not the greatest, but get this: the delivery guy that comes to your door wears a tuxedo! The first time we ordered from them last week we were like, “Whaaaa-?” But then there he was again last night, as dapper as before, handing over our Chicken Jalfrezi and Chicken Balti. We’ve decided that we’re willing to trade food quality for such a surreal experience.

  • Elton John says he “wouldn’t be hetero for all the money in the world”. That’s the first thing on the web that’s cracked me up in two weeks. But hel-lo!? Elton? Sorry, but you’re not the “piano man.” Billy Joel is the piano man. Everybody knows that.

  • To the bastard pissing off Nicci: Knock it off! I miss my Kitty Noir!!

  • Eight hours wasted. That virus toasted my entire machine. In order to keep it from spreading, they had to shut down all our Internet access too. So I literally couldn’t do anything all day long.

    On top of that annoyance, we’ve now had two days in a row of “London weather”, which means gray, rainy, windy, cold, and disgusting. The niceness of summer almost made me forget what the winter brings. I don’t know if I can take six months of this. Mama Snookums, you better start sending us the Classifieds. We need jobs and an apartment. Get me outta here!

  • Scary new Micro$oft virus on the loose… And guess whose work machine is infected? From what I’ve seen, it’s already spreading throughout the company. It’s a bitch too. If you’re running any version of Windows, watch out.

  • Gift-track is officially dead. It’s such a weird feeling to have spent eight months of your life working on something only to see it literally disappear within the next year.

  • Max saw Mansfield Park the other day, which I love. I saw it on a flight back from the U.S. last year. I had one of those little TV screens with all the channels, and they went through the cycle of movies three times. So I saw Mansfield Park, and then I watched Three to Tango (which was short so I got to flip back over and see the end of Mansfield Park again), and then I started to watch What Lies Beneath (but that was crappy, so I watched Mansfield Park yet again). Yes, I watched the film three times during an eight hour flight. It’s that good. Embeth Davidtz is a delicious beeatch, and Jonny Lee Miller is yummy as always. And Frances O’Connor is just perfect. (I’m choosing to ignore her horrid, horrid turn in Bedazzled.) She’s apparently starring as Maggie the Cat in the revival of “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” in London. With Brendan Fraser as Brick. My sister and I are so there.


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.






Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!