• Recent comments

    I’ve just added yet another PHP doodad to web-goddess: a list of the last five comments. You should see it over on the left. For now it just has some test comments from me, but if you’ll leave one of your own, it should appear when you refresh the page!

  • I just realized that Jann, a guy I used to work with here at ND, left me a comment! I didn’t even know he knew I had this site. Hi, Jann!
    Incidentally, he’s got his own website with this addictive response-time test. I really suck at it… My best so far has been 0.241 seconds.

  • Evidently that plan to perfume London Underground stations isn’t going so well…

  • HA! Jake Tapper starts out by mentioning that the Notre Dame women’s national champion basketball team visited the White House yesterday. He finishes with an inspired mock-article that turns ND’s last second victory into a satirical account of the Presidential election. Very funny. My favorite part:
    ‘One minute into the second half, TV networks broadcasting the game, using faulty projections, awarded the game to the Purdue Boilermakers — a call that later had to be recanted. “The game wasn’t over when the [expletive deleted] media declared that it was, just because they favor Purdue,” one Notre Dame assistant coach groused.’

  • (Pointless) R.E.M. News: Yeah, there’s a lot of it floating around these days. I guess the Athens publicity machine is revving up for the new album. Anyhoo, the Nevada Assembly passed a resolution last week praising R.E.M. for the anti-suicide message of “Everybody Hurts”. Yes, they thanked the band for a song that came out in 1992. I guess things take a long time to filter down to Nevada.

  • IKEA Mast BookcaseSo like I mentioned, Snookums and Alex and I went on an IKEA excursion Saturday. Alex wanted a poster frame, and Snookums and I were looking for bookcases. (My book collection spilled out of my closet some time ago.) I’d never been to an IKEA before, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. Holy cow… It was a madhouse. I think everyone in North London was there. It had its own parking garage, two restaurants, and a child-care area. It was insane. We were caught up in consumer frenzy. We ended up getting two excellent cheap bookcases (ours is the 3rd pictured), Alex’s frame, eight wineglasses, martini glasses, a garlic press, a chest of drawers, ice cube trays, four candle holders, and numerous kitchen utensils. The real fun, however, was getting our haul home. How we managed to cram all of it and me into the back of Alex’s little Peugeot I’ll never know.
    I’d forgotten how much fun it was to go shopping in a big place with lots of choice. Most shops in the UK are rather small and you’re in and out within ten minutes. I miss the Meijer and Sam’s Club experience, where you walk around acres of consumer paradise and emerge with all kinds of stuff you never knew you needed. Is that weird? I guess you don’t realize what you’ll miss til it’s gone.

  • Custom error pages

    Hooray! I just uploaded my new and improved custom 404 error pages. Unfortunately all my fancy-pants innovations here at web-goddess in the last few weeks resulted in a lot of broken links from Google and the like. My new 404 page, though, will analyze what page you were looking for and, if it exists, redirect you on your merry way. Doesn’t that kick ass? I’d post instructions for doing it yourself, but unfortunately it’s got to be pretty much customised for every different site. If you are interested in setting one up, let me know and I’ll help you out.

  • I don’t know about you, but I think a computer that causes this much confusion is very cool indeed.

  • Good grief. Some UK “internet monitoring” company says that musical mobile phone ring tones could be considered to be in breach of copyright law. This could be costing the record company up to $1 million a day. Yeah, right. This is getting ridiculous. Are you telling me that a five-second midi version of “The Girl from Ipanema” is damaging the integrity of the song and costing the songwriter profits? What about if I record my own voice humming the song – am I still breaking copyright? What if I *gasp* sing a few bars while walking through the park? Should I pay royalties for giving a “public performance”? Money-grubbing bastards.


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.






Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!