This article about game show contestants first reminded me of Lizzie (with her recent victory)… but as I got further and further into it, it started reminding me more and more of KELLY MCMAHON.
Holy Schnikies! This woman is attempting the highest skydive ever: over 31 miles! And she’s not even a Parachutin’ Weasel!
And now for something completely different… “How to Defeat GI Joe”. This completely cracked me up.
Hell freezes over
Lee Corso says, “[If the Irish] get through that schedule with two losses they deserve to play in a BCS game. I’m starting to warm to that man.
It’s dusty in here, isn’t it?
*sniff* Here’s a letter from a nurse who’s worked with Scott Delgadillo, the young Irish fan fighting leukemia. She thanks everybody at the University for supporting him.
Remember that?!
More on the Finnegan’s raid. There’s even a reference to that guy who got shot back in ’97 walking home from a bar. Remember THAT?
Pisces buddies!!