• Mets win. Braves lose. Mets are now three games behind the Braves… going into a three-game series in Atlanta. Eeeek!

  • Welcome Joey

    Here he is, in his first (but certainly not the last) web-goddess appearance, my new little brother Joseph Robert!

    Mom and Joseph Robert

  • To the BT user who voted six times in my poll:

    Yes, I know who you are. And yes, I’ve cancelled all of your votes. I’ll assume it was a mistake and give you a second chance, but if you can’t play nice with the other kids, I’ll ban you from the site. Thank you.

  • Just went to Marks & Sparks to pick up some stuff for my sister (and some kiwis, of course) when I noticed that they’ve got Christmas stuff everywhere. Seriously, Christmas stuff (right alongside Halloween stuff in some places). That’s just ridiculous. I mean, people think of the States as being overcommercialized, but never have I seen Christmas stuff out before the end of September.

  • Ooh, I’m so mad I could spit. I was playing the MUD* today when this other character came along and killed me. That’s against the rules, but it didn’t stop this jerk from beating the crap out of me and stealing all my stuff. A character that I had spent a month creating! Oh, I could continue with a new body, but I’ve lost all my equipment and a quarter of my experience points. All because some snotty little teenager* got bored and decided to ruin somebody else’s fun. What an asshole. It’s probably better in the long run… My Sims have been missing me.

  • Slooping a kiwifruitI love kiwis. No, not Antipodeans (although they’re nice), but kiwifruit. I seriously had never eaten one before a few months ago. I have no idea why; I guess I just thought I wouldn’t like them. Snookums got me to try one, and the rest is history. The real question is, then, how do you eat them? I like the slice and scoop (“slooping”) method, but others apparently peel and slice. And then there are the weirdos that eat the skin (which, according to the California KiwiFruit Commission, is perfectly acceptable and nutritious, but as Snookums put it, “tastes like shit”). Head down to my new poll and tell me how you do it.

  • I got a strange little e-mail the other day complimenting me on my site and inviting me to check this person’s out. Turns out that it was a spam that several other people have received as well. *sigh* For future reference, here’s my post about how to publicize your blog without being annoying. Read it, learn it, live it.

  • Blogger meetup

    I met up with Jann and a few co-workers last night at a bar in London to reminisce about the good ‘ol days of 2000. Well, that was the plan anyway. Instead Jann and I sat analyzing the weblogging community and thoroughly alienating everybody else. I could’ve kicked myself for not bringing a camera (I think it’s an unwritten rule that when two bloggers meet up, photographic evidence must be produced). Anyway, many beers were consumed and a good time was had by all.

  • My Chinese Name is apparently “Hong Kongrui”, which is ridiculous. I mean, it sounds like Hong Kong Phooey! (Link courtesy of Orbyn, my new twin.)

  • Hooray! Mac OS X is here! But I’m confused. I can’t just use Software Update to get it? Where can UK users get the upgrade??

    Update: For you UK Mac people, I just called Micro Anvika (pretty much the big Mac retailer over here) and the woman said that they don’t have the upgrade and she has no information on when or if they will be getting it. And since the mail-in form on the Apple site is only for US customers, as of now we’re out of luck. This is gonna piss me off.

    Update #2: I discovered that the UK Apple Store has the full version of OSX 10.1 available, but not the upgrade version. So I called them up on their free number 0800-039-1010 to ask about it. The lady informed me that the upgrade is available through them for £16, and I could order it right then. Which I did! I should have it within a week. Happy ending!


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.







Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!