Depressing. According to this, I am “histrionic, avoidant, narcissistic, and obsessive-compulsive.” What a wonderful way to start the week.
We have the Harold McGee book, v interesting and often useful. Right up his alley I reckon!
Depressing. According to this, I am “histrionic, avoidant, narcissistic, and obsessive-compulsive.” What a wonderful way to start the week.
Getting married on the Titanic has to be the tackiest, most morbid thing I’ve ever heard.
Dammit. I was all excited about the new Breeders album until I realized it’s practically a completely different band. I always liked that drummer guy. (Thanks to Max for the heads-up.)
I hereby rescind my congratulations to Goran Ivanisevic for winning Wimbledon. The guy’s an asshole.
Alice Randall, while visiting the Margaret Mitchell Museum in Atlanta: “I think traditional fans of ‘Gone With The Wind’ are angry and irritated by ‘The Wind Done Gone’ but I didn’t write ‘The Wind Done Gone’ for fans of ‘Gone With The Wind,’ she said. “I wrote ‘The Wind Done Gone’ for black women who have been damaged by ‘Gone With The Wind’ and for white men who can take a critical look at themselves. Oh, and also to really piss off Kris Howard.”
Okay, so I made that last bit up.
Damn. Amazon are good. They send me spam that it’s impossible for me to delete. Just now I got one from them that said, “We’ve noticed that many of our customers who have purchased Army of Darkness also enjoy books by Bruce Campbell.” Of course they do! And then they include a link to his new autobiography, If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor. How cool is that?
Not many posts today… I was possessed of some serious coding fervor and attacked my Roald Dahl site. You won’t see the changes just yet, but they’re coming. I’m really happy with how it’s going. The site is going to rock when I’m finished.
Are you a prima donna programmer? I’ve certainly met people like this article describes, but I don’t see it as being something exclusive to hackers. A lot of bright people learn early on that “teamwork” really means “doing all the work”, and that impacts the way they function in groups later in life. I personally hate working on group projects, simply because in school, I was the smart one who’d always get assigned to the groups with the worst students. The teacher had good intentions (obviously hoping the others would benefit from my help), but in the end the others would always be more than willing to let me do all the work. And I’d have to do it, since otherwise my grade would suffer. I imagine that a lot of those “prima donna programmers” had similar experiences. You get tired of carrying the team, and sometimes you just want to do things your way and know that they’ll be done right. That said, I have had some positive team experiences here at work, but the best ones have always been where I had complete control over my area of the project. It’s just hard for me to give that up.
Congratulations to my little sis, who turned 22 today. We’ll be celebrating with a few beers in the pub tonight, and then the real fun is the concert on Thursday (see below). And what’s more, she got a job today! I hope the rest of her stay in London is as good as the first week has been.
My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.
No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.
We have the Harold McGee book, v interesting and often useful. Right up his alley I reckon!
Pisces buddies!!
TIL we share the birthday month/week. Happy Birthday!
Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!
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