I think you misread me, Max. I’m not a hardcore supporter of the legalisation of marijuana, but I am a supporter of the basic human right to do whatever you want as long as it doesn’t hurt anybody else. And in my own experience I’ve never seen anybody on pot do anything worse than I’ve seen people do on alcohol. (Granted, people do terrible things when they’re drunk, but in our society we blame that on the individual, not the beer, right?) I’m not a fan of teenagers embracing “pot culture”, either, but I think a big part of it is simply that it’s forbidden. When I was in high school it was “Coed Naked” T-shirts and L.A. Raiders jackets. Now it’s stoner wear. I don’t know anybody who would smoke pot but doesn’t because it’s illegal. They do it anyway. Making it legal isn’t necessarily going to increase the demand. It’s just going to make it regulate-able and keep young people from going to jail (or being denied college funds) for something that doesn’t hurt anybody.
Okay, I now eagerly await your rebuttle. Man, this take me right back to being on the Speech team in high school!
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