Apple: the only cult it’s cool to join. 🙂
My home economics teacher taught us to use “J cloths” as press cloths. (Cellulose cleaning cloths). The upside of using…
So yeah, Snookums and I saw “The Mummy Returns” last Friday. It sucked. I thought that the fighting was good, but the effects were crap and it wasn’t funny at all. I wanted to see more stuff like when Brendan Fraser scared off the Mummy with a cat. And where John Hannah joined the zombies and started chanting “Imhotep…” This movie didn’t have any of that. Don’t even get me started on “The Rock”, either. His part was about five minutes long and I certainly wasn’t very impressed. And the whole bit with him as the Scorpion King at the end featured the worst CGI work I’ve seen since “Tron”. It looked like a video game! And lastly, I couldn’t decide if Brendan Fraser’s ass was supposed to be that big (as a kind of a joke, since his character had been married for nine years or whatever), or whether he’s just chunked up. I vote for “chunked up.”
Chris Cornell, the former singer from Soundgarden, has officially joined Rage Against the Machine. Very cool. I remember when Cornell finally cut off his long head-banger hair back in the 90’s. It was like, “Wow! He’s pretty hot. When did that happen?”
UK Survivor: You know, for the past year I’ve been following Survivor through the sites of rabid American fans without ever experiencing it for myself. Last night all that changed, and all I can say is WOW. I’m hooked!
Some thoughts from the first episode:
P.S. I completely ripped off Max’s idea of posting the crossed-out picture of this week’s departing contestant. Visit his site for all your US Survivor needs. 🙂
U.K. Survivor. It starts tonight. Hooray! Now I’ll finally be able to see what all the fuss is about.
Snookums and I were just discussing John’s new metric for measuring geekdom (which he found at tajmahal): the number of electrical outlets you’d need if you were living in one room (such as student housing). We decided that a few more rules were needed to get an accurate measurement:
Taking those into consideration, I’d need nine: Boudicca (the iMac), scanner, speakers, VCR, microwave, (non-existent) TV and fridge, and a couple extra (for mobile, GameBoy, Nintendo, and stereo). Snookums needs eleven: two computers, monitor, modem, speakers, subwoofer, espresso machine, toaster, (non-existent) TV and fridge, and an extra (for mobile and electric razor). We are serious geeks.
Steve has written an excellent post/essay/whatever entitled “Killing Killers”. I suddenly found myself arguing against the death penalty with an American friend who was visiting the week before McVeigh’s scheduled execution. Unfortunately my arguments tend to be more emotional than rational, so I’m glad I’ll have Steve’s words to back me up in the future. If you are in any way interested in this issue (for or against), check out his site for relevant links and information.
“Some Straights Can Go Gay, Study Says.” A fantastic parody of those news stories reporting “research” about homosexual conversion therapy.
More British election fun: Am I Electable Or Not? I’d vote for Ant & Dec before William Hague any day.
It’s a videogame kinda day. Slashdot is running a story on the upcoming Star Wars Galaxies multiplayer online game. My favorite comment from the discussion:
Personally, I’d be a lot more excited about this if I could play it on my iMac. 🙁
My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.
No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.
My home economics teacher taught us to use “J cloths” as press cloths. (Cellulose cleaning cloths). The upside of using…
We have the Harold McGee book, v interesting and often useful. Right up his alley I reckon!
Pisces buddies!!
Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!
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