ESPN asked a bunch of football players for their thoughts on women playing college football. I have to say, most of them really impressed me! A couple (like the Baylor guy) mentioned that they would have difficulty hitting a girl, but I think after she tackled them a few times she’d get over *that*. More problematic is the Purdue asshole, who seems to think that it’s impossible for a woman to compete with a man physically. He basically says that sports are split into genders for a reason, and that if there were only one football (basketball, baseball, etc.) team then women would never get to compete. WHATEVER! The teams might not be 50-50, but I think it’s ridiculous to think that no woman could possibly make the cut in a male environment. Was I the ONLY one who sat through “G.I. Jane”??
How nice for them
I was interested to read how players from other schools really enjoy playing at Notre Dame Stadium. Basically they all say it’s got so much history and spirit and great fans and stuff, as opposed to big, impersonal concrete bowls. I woulda thought they’d be more intimidated though. Huh.
Hecklers suck
Okay, so I respect the right of campus group to protest at Lieberman’s speech. But you don’t yell out questions from the balcony while somebody is talking! And I hope all of these Right-to-Lifers and Anti-Capital Punishment Activists realize that Bush supports a “culture of death” just as much (if not more!) as any other politician.
*PUKE* Okay, apparently these “Diva Starz Dolls” are supposed to be this year’s Furby. Whatever. Even though they’ve supposedly created “sporty,” “earthy,” and “tech-y” dolls, they’re still all about clothes (this Press Release actually calls them fashionistas) and hanging out at the “Diva Mall.” I just can’t believe that any professional marketing person could possibly bring themselves to write the headline: “Techno-Interaction Brings a Whole New Meaning to Gabbin’ With Sass-o-matic Looks and Fab-alicious Fun!” Seriously, you guys… Fab-alicious??? I swear, no kid of mine will ever play with this shit.
It looks like Arnaz Battle is officially out for the rest of the season. I wonder how that’s gonna work next year. I mean, what if this LoVecchio kid gets really really good? That would suck for the both of them if it comes down to a choice for starter.
We have the Harold McGee book, v interesting and often useful. Right up his alley I reckon!