Friday Five: When was the last time you…
1. …sent a handwritten letter?
I can’t remember. I got one recently, though, from my Grandma. So I’m going to write her back. I’ve sent some hand-written cards recently too.
2. …baked something from scratch or made something by hand?
I bake lots from scratch (as my former co-workers can attest). I think the most recent was cookies with mini M-M’s in them a few weeks ago. As for “making something”… Remember the quilt?
3. …camped in a tent?
Oh man. Ages and ages ago. I think when I went to Cedar Point with some friends during one of our college summer holidays. Must’ve been five years ago. (I’m not a big fan of roughing it.)
4. …volunteered your time to church, school, or community?
I don’t belong to a church. Schools in England and Australia generally don’t have to have bake sales just to stay afloat, so there’s not a lot of opportunity for volunteerism there. So that leaves community. Well, I try to donate blood whenever I can. The last time was in London back in August of last year. Does that count?
5. …helped a stranger?
I helped a lady who was lost in Central Sydney the other day. (There’s nothing that makes you feel more like a local than giving somebody directions.) And according to the certificate on my fridge, the Snook and I helped lots of strangers in poor nations when we did the Walk Against Want in March.
Didn’t you do alot of volunteer work leading up to the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras??
Well, I helped out with the play and manned their booth at Festival Day. I guess that counts. 🙂