We did it!
I’ve got a LOT more photos to upload tomorrow, but these are all I can bear to do right now. I’m going to go into a food coma. Suffice it to say that the turducken was a magnificent and stunning success! Thanks to everybody who attended and shared their awesome food with us.

Carving the turduckenRoast Turducken

Everyone eating


8 responses to “WE DID IT”

  1. MMmmmm. The turducken looks awesome! I’ve been blog surfing and your effort of a roast bird (or birds, in this case!) have probably outdone the rest. 😛

    First time commenter, occasional lurker. 🙂 Helen sent me! Lol.

  2. Niffler

    Ahh, you’ve made me hungry! Can we see the inside of the turducken?? It looks absolutely delicious from the outside.

  3. I’m glad the turducken turned out well! (Did the fact that the name starts with ‘turd’ put anyone off?) I was at a Thanksgiving dinner for around 30 yesterday, and thought of you guys.

  4. missfee

    that was the best turkey ever yum yum yum – and the banana pie wel that did me in – well the second serve actually thanks again for a fab night and my first thanksgiving

  5. amy

    thanks again for last night. we are still recovering from the food hangover! Turkey sandwiches anyone?

  6. rob

    someone put this link on one of my flickr

  7. Yeah, that one was posted in my Ask MetaFilter question. Very amusing… 🙂

  8. Kris, I forgot to tell you, but your arse is looking tiny! You go girl! Woo!
    Hi Jamie!!! She’s one of my blythe friends. We’re invading. 😉