It’s always fun to quit listening to my work mp3 collection for a couple weeks and then revisit it. I just snorted out loud when Wyclef Jean’s “The Rambler” came on. There’s nothing funnier in the world than hearing Kenny Rogers sing, “You got to know when to hold ’em…” and then hearing Wyclef shout “Ghetto! Ghetto!” in the background.
Author: Kris
I was reading today and reflecting for the 43rd time how much the owner, Meg, reminds me of me. I mean, she lives in London, listens to Ani Difranco, and works in web design. She’s also a great writer (which I’m not, but aspire to be). Okay, so those are normal, “Huh, she kinda sounds like me” type similarities. But today, she posted a picture of herself… and she’s totally my doppelgänger! I’m serious; that’s me with my hair braided and my glasses on. I’m freaked out.
Grrrr. I was just checking my bandwidth statistics at Portland and I was shocked to discover that during February my site has exceeded the montly allowance by more than 500%. And you know why? Because of the Valentine. I’m really glad that so many people posted it on their site, but for future reference, it’s always best to copy an image to your own server and link to it there. Otherwise my host has to bear the brunt of serving images to lots of un-related sites, and then the patient yet frustrated web-goddess has to pay an extra $20 for her bandwidth that month. And that pisses her off.
“Roll Your Own” Comments System
Based on the e-mails I’ve been getting, it seems other people have run into problems modifying Steve’s PHP comments system for use with their own weblogs. Since I’m in a magnanimous mood, I decided to write up a step-by-step description of everything it took to get mine working. It’s in layman’s terms, and as long as you’ve got PHP support at your host you shouldn’t have any trouble implementing it. It also lists all the problems and workarounds I found, so hopefully you’ll have it easier than I did. Let me know how it goes!
Dubya gave his first press conference, and the verdict wasn’t good. My favorite part: “An informal poll of White House reporters indicated that 100 percent were confident Bush had absolutely no idea what the BBC reporter was talking about. That won’t be in their stories Friday, I’ll bet.”
Awww! A little bilingual Indiana boy called 911 and calmly translated the operator’s CPR instructions to his mother in Spanish. He ended up saving his brother’s life. That stuff makes me get all teary.
I just discovered that Kevin from Ghost in the Machine has another weblog specifically devoted to Harry Potter: The Leaky Cauldron! It’s got new pictures from the set, and they look fantastic…
At last, at last!
Sorry about the lack of posts today, but BlogVoices had been slowing my site down to a crawl and I couldn’t take it any longer. I’ve implemented a stand-alone discussion system! I found a link to a handy-dandy PHP comments script at Scrubbles that did the trick nicely. It’s the same one Ernie used it at little.yellow.different. and I sorta used his example for inspiration. I’ve been fiddling with it for hours now and I think I’ve got all the bugs worked out. (Any further problems with download time are strictly the fault of my crap hosting provider.) To try it out, just click on the little speech bubble icon at the top right of this post. Let me know what you think!
I’m… speechless. Ben Stiller, who I thought had my best interests at heart, is apparently producing and may star in a comedy called “Go to Hell, Mike Piazza.” Why, Ben? Why you gotta be dissin’ my man?
Can you help Theseus escape the Minotaur? Lord knows I can’t. This damn maze is drivin’ me crazy. Somebody please help!