Month: January 2012

  • Weekend in Photos

    My new haircutIt’s been a busy couple of days. It all started on Thursday when I went to get my hair cut and coloured. My normal stylist Katherine at Broadway Hair Lounge was on vacation, so instead I got the lovely Ruth. Ruth was fantastic! We did a whole head of foils, most blonde but with some darker brown throw in as well (to help even it out closer to my natural colour). Then she gave me a great cut. I love it, and judging by the comments on Facebook, everybody else did too!

    Friday was momentous. It was my last day at work at Mobile Embrace. Can you believe it’s been three years? Three years since I got laid off and then got a new job two days later. I don’t even look like my security pass anymore! My friend Kunaal organised a lovely lunch for me at Bibim to mix, a nice Korean restaurant on William Street. Fifteen of my co-workers came along, which was very touching. I managed to get all my work done and handed over, and then it was time to shut down for the last time! Sean even made me an artwork to commemorate the occasion. My new job starts Monday morning, and I’m looking forward to it…

    Old and new


    Shutting down

    Saturday morning we were up bright and early for the first ever official St. Peters Parkrun. This is a free weekly timed 5K run that takes place all over the world. The Snook and I rode over on our bicycles, which marked the first time we’d ridden to/through Newtown. There were 60+ runners all gathered for the run. I saw my friends Paul and Adina from Dailymile, and Fiona joined us as well. We took it very easy, doing 2:1 run/walk intervals around the course and finishing in 38:45. (My knee is still a bit dodgy.) It was great fun! We’re hoping to take part each week. Paul took some fantastic photos of us during and after the event. We then had a nice ride back to Chippendale to recover.


    After the run

    And today brought even more bike riding! We rode our bikes to St. Peters again for the free City of Sydney Cycling Confidence course. There were seven of us plus two instructors. We had a quick chat inside about “theory” (such as where to ride on the roads, how to communicate effectively with drivers, how to be a gracious cyclist) and then a basic skills check out in the parking lot (braking, signaling, changing gears, etc.). And then we were off on a tour of Sydney! We took back streets and bike lanes through Alexandria, Waterloo, Redfern, and Surry Hills. At various places we stopped to talk about traffic situations and to practice drills on the street. We also had a rest stop in a park, complete with snacks. I finished the course feeling a LOT more confident about riding in the city, and I definitely recommend the course to anybody in Sydney! We’re already booked into the Bike Maintenance course in three weeks.

    Bike course tour

  • Lord V reads slashfic

    Hahahaha… Some Bravo TV talk show host got Ralph Fiennes to read Harry/Voldemort slashfic. Too funny.


    STAR TREK CATAN?! – That’s brilliant! Definitely putting this one on the Christmas Wish List.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    RT @KathrynElliott: Found out this morning via @web_goddess Sydney now has a @parkrun_au

    @lachlanhardy Are you into paleo? Preparing to make the transition myself…

    @knitdra Congrats on your anniversary!

    @Soma377 I see him posting pics of her on FB all the time. Adorable kid!

    @Soma377 Well, I have the advantage in that it’s summer here. And it never snows in winter. And Aussies are all sporty and crap.

    @lachlanhardy Ah. We’re carnivores who are 90% of the way there but we cheat too often. Going to do 21-day primal challenge, I think.

    @brown_note This is why we’re remodelling the kitchen. Only way to fit a decent sized fridge in!

    Ralph Fiennes reading HP slashfic. Oh man. This is for @imdominating and @carbolicious.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    My farewell lunch!! (@ Bi Bim, To Mix w/ 3 others) [pic]:

    Final handover meeting with @venks79 and @kunaal84 complete. IT’S REALLY HAPPENING! Nearly time to go…

    @venks79 It still hasn’t sunk in yet! I’m sure we’ll work together again. Call me when you found your start-up. 🙂

    Shutting down my work PC for the last time! (With cameo by Alan Robertson.)

    @mrs_sockvictim BRILLIANT!

    Awake and fueling up before Sydney @parkrun_au!

    @janiematts @mrs_sockvictim We were there! Bringing up the rear with @the_snook. 🙂

    Rode 8.5km and ran 5km all before 10am. I actually like this!

  • Photo Post

    Shutting down my work PC for the last time! (With cameo by Alan Robertson.)

    Shutting down my work PC for the last time! (With cameo by Alan Robertson.)

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @DDsD Ha, no. Reminds me of a roommate I had once that claimed he’d been in music biz for 28 years. He was 28. “BECAUSE HE LOVED IT, MAN!”

    New jobs always inspire new hair! (@ Travis George Hair Lounge)

    Evened out the colour, trimmed the layers, side-swept fringe. #suchahipster

    @Yarna_ @alyshajane @bellsknits Thanks!

    @drkknits It’s because my hairdresser is a Pom. I feel all posh and Anglophile after spending a couple hours with her. 🙂

    @bron2042 I just may take you up on that suggestion. Thanks!

    @stufromoz New office is full of trendy people with Macs. I need to look hipper. 🙂

    @stufromoz Definitely the Opera in the Domain. Haven’t booked any others yet, but would like to!

    @randomknits @drkknits Ooh, sleek and smart! Lovely.

    @bron2042 DONE!

    @randomknits @handmethepanda @drkknits Mine was 2.5 hours… and $200+. It’s my one indulgence.

    Last day at Mobile Embrace. What a difference three years makes!

    @eileenDCoE I really need to come to Melbs some January. I’d love to see the tennis!

    @jannism Dude, it’s a cakewalk! Go for it. 😛

    @drkknits About 9 months before that. I left there in early 2008!

    @eileenDCoE Secret: it’s mostly in the blow-dry, which means it will never look that good again. 🙂

    @bellsknits Bah. There ARE knitting police. We just don’t have official badges or power to fine crappy knitters – except IN OUR HEADS. 🙂

    @drkknits @witty_knitter @redambition The MetaFilter discussion has interesting debate, context and additional links:

    @redambition @drkknits @witty_knitter Oh, that happens all the time. You haven’t lived til you’ve seen Bob Dole talking erectile dysfunction

    @redambition @drkknits @witty_knitter It looks to have been scrubbed from the internet, but there are loads of references if you google.

  • Photo Post

    Last day at Mobile Embrace. What a difference three years makes!

    Last day at Mobile Embrace. What a difference three years makes!

  • Stormtrooper cake

    Stormtrooper cake. This is surely the greatest cake ever created. LIFE-SIZED, PEOPLE! (Link courtesy of Kunaal.)