Month: January 2012

  • W-G is 11!

    Can you believe I nearly missed it? The ELEVENTH birthday of this blog actually took place on January 4th, two days ago, but I was having too much fun with our nephew Kurt to sit in front of the computer. That’s pretty much been the story of the year, I guess. If I’m not out (literally) running around, I’m usually on Facebook, Twitter, Ravelry, DailyMile, and Health Month. The poor blog has fallen way down the priority list. Still, as I said last year, I keep postin’ and you keep readin’. We’ll keep going as long as we can. As always, I’ve compiled some fun statistics to celebrate. (Previously: 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003.)

    Looking back on my goals for 2011, I didn’t actually accomplish that many of them. I did manage to hand off the Knitters Guild webmaster position to someone else, but I promptly volunteered for another role. (D’OH!) I joined the IIBA and went on a training course. We have made some progress on our kitchen and garden plans. And hey, I RAN A MARATHON. But the second half of the year was difficult, and I dealt with illness and injury that wrecked my other running goals. I lost a few pounds, but not as many as I’d hoped. Work was challenging as I dealt with changing responsibilities. I’m really looking forward to turning things around in 2012.

    Goals for 2012: Renovate the kitchen. Run 1100km in the calendar year and get my 10K time to under 60 minutes. Lose 15kg. Sew a dress for myself and continue with transition to “dressing like a grown-up.” Sort out my US tax situation. And as always, win a goddamn blue ribbon at the Easter Show!

  • Homemade Mexican Feast with FlavourCrusader

    Homemade Mexican Feast with FlavourCrusader
    Yesterday my friend Sharon came over to cook some food together. She had recently bought a tortilla press and she wanted to try it out. Sounds like a good excuse to me! We made pork tacos complete with homemade tortillas and guacamole. (Well, Sharon did most of it! I mainly took photographs.) Sharon has posted the tortilla recipe along with some photos of the process over at her FlavourCrusader blog. It was a fun and tasty project. Thanks Sharon!

    Mexican Feast

  • Sydney parkrun

    Awesome, just discovered that Sydney parkrun is now open for registration! This is a weekly timed 5K at Sydney Park in St. Peters. It’s free to join and run. I met the organisers last year and they’re pretty cool. I’m looking forward to participating!

  • Photo Post

    Self-portrait with two cats and an iPad. Life is good.

    Self-portrait with two cats and an iPad. Life is good.

  • Sydney Cycle Chic

    Confession: one of my goals for 2012 is to get featured on Sydney Cycle Chic. I know; I’m tragic.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @randomknits Nope. Nothing helpful, other than to call main @auspost phone number again.

    @bron2042 WHOA. I was just there too! Pleased with speed of my replacement license as well.

    Tips for taking a top drivers license photo: Don’t shower. Lose a pint of blood. Walk 6 blocks on a humid day. #zombiekris #fml

    @drkknits Ahem. I think Zaheer Khan may replace Sharma as my Indian team boyfriend.

    It’s @flavourcrusader, making’ tortillas at my house! @ Chippendale

    Mexican feast with @FlavourCrusader! Homemade tortillas are TOPS. @ Chippendale

    @Kat13v DAMN YOU AND YOUR GOOD VEINS! πŸ™‚ Well, at least somebody can do it.

    Twitter! Trying on new specs? Which do you like??

    Twitter has spoken! Thanks for comments. I’m ordering the Cat’s Eye (first pair). Such a hipster folly. πŸ™‚

    @AusVintageGrrl You play the ukulele and wear vintage. You, my friend, are a hipster. πŸ˜›

    Blood donated, new license procured, tacos eaten (thanks @FlavourCrusader!), new specs ordered. Productive day. And now for KNITTING.

    @misswired Useless. Very useless. After much confusion, they just told me to call the same phone # I rang a week ago.

    @knitness Hm, no idea! I’m at home. @knitterjp? @knitdra?

    Drinking a toast to @toastman to celebrate the good news…

    I was going to run this morning, but I feel quite dehydrated. Result of losing blood yesterday? Going to rehydrate and wait a bit, I think.

    I bet @mrs_sockvictim also has some good stories about adult mishaps on ABC children’s programming… πŸ™‚

  • Tusken Raider Star Wars Crochet Hat

    Tusken Raider Star Wars Crochet Hat – Bookmarking for future Easter Show entry. πŸ™‚

  • Photo Post

    Mexican feast with @FlavourCrusader! Homemade tortillas are TOPS.

    Mexican feast with @FlavourCrusader! Homemade tortillas are TOPS.

  • Photo Post

    It’s @flavourcrusader, making’ tortillas at my house!

    It's @flavourcrusader, making' tortillas at my house!

  • Photo Post

    Replacement license procured in under 30min. Probably because I wore my Red Cross sticker.

    Replacement license procured in under 30min. Probably because I wore my Red Cross sticker.