• Friday Five:

    1. What drinking water do you prefer — tap, bottle, purifier, etc.?
    At home we have a Brita water filter jug, but really we use it more for the coldness than the filtration. (As evidenced by the fact that we only recently changed the filter for the first time… over a year after we bought it.) At work I drink tap water.

    2. What are your favourite flavor of chips?
    It’s been sooooo long since I had chips. (Long enough that it feels weird to call them that.) I used to be addicted to Cool Ranch Doritos back in college. Here I love Kettle Chips, especially the sea-salt-and-black-pepper and lime-and-black-pepper varieties. In England I even enjoyed salt and vinegar crisps. (I avoided all their weird meat flavoured ones though.)

    3. Of all the things you can cook, what dish do you like the most?
    Chicken and noodles with mashed potatoes. Unfortunately it’s got seven zillion grams of carbs, so I haven’t had it in ages.

    4. How do you have your eggs?
    It used to be strictly fried, but nowadays I like ’em all different kinds of ways. I like scrambled eggs and omelettes, and the mere thought of poached eggs and hollandaise sauce has me drooling. I’ve also finally learned to like hard-boiled eggs. I’ve started boiling up several at a time and keeping them in the fridge to take to work for snacks. I still like fried eggs too, especially with Worcestershire sauce (which the Snook introduced me to). The only egg I don’t like is a soft-boiled one. It just kinda grosses me out.

    5. Who was the last person who cooked you a meal? How did it turn out?
    Snookums cooked dinner Tuesday night: lamb chops, baked pumpkin, cauliflower mash, and asparagus. Soooo good. He’s such a better cook than me.

  • My sister’s been telling me for ages that she thinks I’ve got “hypothyroidism”, based on my slow metabolism, aching muscles, and sensitivity to cold. I didn’t take her too seriously. (We joke that she’s the family hypochondriac.) I saw it mentioned in a Glitter thread yesterday though and it prompted me to do some research. Reading this list of symptoms was like reading a description of myself. Pain between the shoulders, difficulty losing weight, always feeling cold, recurrent seasonal allergies and sinusitis, feeling depressed… plus I’ve got a family history of thyroid problems. I found a recommended specialist and made an appointment to get tested. It’s weird; I’m both dreading and hoping for a positive diagnosis. At least it would explain a lot, you know? And maybe I could feel better.

  • Okay, ‘fess up. One of y’all taped the Dawson’s Creek finale. You’ve got it; I want it. Let’s make a deal.

  • Sock Monkeys Update: Yes, I’m way behind. I know I owe about five monkeys to various people, and I haven’t forgotten you. It’s just that my friends’ oft-delayed wedding is not only suddenly back on, it’s happening in less than a month… and I still have a significant amount of quilting to do on their wedding present. I promise to get to them as soon as I can though!

  • Music quiz

    Identify yourself with music. Since Max rejected REM, I’ve used them for my own answers.

    1. Are you male or female? She Just Wants to Be
    2. Describe yourself. The Wake-Up Bomb
    3. How do some people feel about you? Half a World Away
    4. How do you feel about yourself? Imitation of Life
    5. Describe your boyfriend. The One I Love
    6. Where would you rather be? Underneath the Bunker
    7. Describe what you want to be. Superman
    8. Describe how you live. Shaking Through
    9. Describe how you love. Talk About the Passion
    10. Share a few words of wisdom. Why Not Smile?

    I tried to avoid the super-obvious answers…

  • Experiment
    This morning I got up 45 minutes earlier and went to the gym. I know; I couldn’t believe it myself. I ran two miles before coming home to shower and have breakfast. So far I’m noticing that I have a little more energy than usual, and I’m not as hungry between meals. I might have to make a habit of this!

  • Fonzie?!

    Spike… The Fonzie of our generation? Thanks to Brigita for pointing me to this great article about how Spike ruined Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And here we all thought it would be Michelle Trachtenberg!

  • Seen in the window of the local tanning salon today: “Our only competition is 93 million miles away.”

    That’s even funnier after a day like today. Just ask the Snook. He’s the one that had to clean up the half-inch of water standing in our dining room this morning. 🙁

  • I friggin’ love this… The Top Ten Punky Brewster Episodes of All Time. My personal favorites are #9 (the post-Challenger disaster episode with Buzz Aldrin) and #1 (where Cherie hides in a refrigerator and almost dies). An excerpt:

    I always liked this episode because there was a lady in my apartment building when I was growing up who also hated kids. Only, I never saved her life and we never became friends. She was a real bitch.

    Bwa ha ha ha! Very funny stuff.

  • Harry Potter Mini-Scarf Bookmarks

    Harry Potter Mini-Scarf BookmarksMy friend Steph is a primary school teacher and a few months ago she was admiring the Harry Potter scarves I’d knitted. Since I had lots of the yarn left over, I told her I’d knit a mini-scarf to use as a bookmark for each kid in her class. They’re extremely simple and you can finish several in one night. I used a normal DK (8-ply) yarn and a slightly smaller needles size than recommended. (This makes for a bulkier bookmark.) Cast on 8 stitches in red, knit six rows, and switch to yellow. Knit six more rows and switch again, each time carrying the unused color up the side. When you’ve got thirteen stripes, cast off and weave in the ends. Add three tassels on each end, made from one strand of each color. Voila! And I even managed to get them done before the next movie comes out. 🙂

    (Special thanks to Amy, who helped out by knitting some up from her own stash.)


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!